
Seriously, is there any point in being nice?

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I have tried my hardest to be nice and I don't ***** about people like alot of my friends or steal. Basically things alot of people I know do. But they still have better lives than me. They have good relationships but mines falling apart. They have jobs but I struggle get one. Most have a have a decent family. They do well at college and I don't despite how hard I work, I always am 2 or 3 marks off an A or B. So shouldn't karma be giving me something nice by now for all my hard efforts in life instead of s******g me over? All I really have is looks and they fade lol.




  1. yikes, you are having a rough time.

    I'll point out the obvious, and that is that attitude is everything.  You have to put our the positive attitude to get the same in return.

    As to whether there is a point to being nice, I hope you aren't implying that because not everything is going the way you want that you shouldn't be nice?

    Being nice and living a positive life is its own reward.  I'll point out that 'good' things and 'bad' things happen to everyone.  Don't be too envious of the people you think have it all.  In the end looks can be deceiving.

    Karma doesn't 'give' you things and I think you are s******g yourself over with the nasty attitude.

  2. The world isn't fair. Enjoy your fail.

  3. Sounds like you may be looking for your heaven on earth.

  4. they may be doing  better than you in many ways but are they nice to people? when you are nice to people that makes there day. without being aware of it they in turn are nice to others. it's a gift that keeps on giving. while being nice to others do it with a smile if you aren't already. it makes people feel good about themselves. God knows what you are doing and although things look real bad right now there are rewards for you ahead. if not on earth then there will be in Heaven. just keep the faith and keep on giving of yourself to others and let them pass it on to still others and you will be doing wonderful things and allowing others to do wonderful things in their lives because of you.

  5. Oh boohoo. Go cry a river for dying children in Africa to drink from.

  6. You are from the city aren't you?  If you were from a small town you would know the answer to that question already.  City people do not have to be nice to each other because they think that they have some anonymity in the city, they wont see that person again.  People in a small town know that if you are mean to people people will reject you.  In a way it is a type of shunning because people just dont want to be around other people who are mean.  

    Being nice does not mean that you have to be a sucker.  There will always be some body out there who will take advantage of a perceived weakness.  There will always be someone who will try to scam you, thats life.  Those people are little more than animals and are living lives far less fulfilling than they could be.  

    The basic human instinct is that we want to love and be loved.  The problem is that most of us put up a wall to prevent ourselves from being hurt.  The problem with that wall is that it also keeps out people who would love you.  So where are you going to build your wall and how high is it going to be?  The choice is yours.  If you see yourself as a victim all time then you will tend to have a high wall.  

    As far as the marks go, join the club.  I used to get upset at people who did not have to study and got A's and I had to bust my A** to get a half decent mark.  The problem is became evident to me that I actually knew more than they did.  They simply knew hoe to determine which questions the professor would ask.  The other point is that I was just not as smart as they were.  All people may be created equal before God but not in this world.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Maybe you should drop the *****......

  8. There's no such thing as karma. Good things happen to bad people and bad things can happen to good people.  If karma existed, it would not be "good" to be good because you would only do it so good things happen to you as well.

  9. Sometimes nice is a cover for passing responsibility off on god or karma or something. I'd take a good look at myself and ask myself if I'm really being honest about how hard I try, or if I'm just expecting the universe to reward me for being a goody goody.  

  10. hmmmm you'll marry a rich husband and never have to work again.

  11. Try quoting the serenity prayer every day for 14 days "God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

  12. They steal and still have better lives than you do? Continue doing the nice things you're doing and believe in yourself. Don't compare your life to others and fail to look at your own. You can do so much and feel so much better when you choose to keep pressing on forward and seeing the good things ahead. Faith and patience is very important for receiving great rewards! Cheer up :-)

  13. Do not let people walk all over you.

    STOP letting people take advantage of you.

    That is NOT being nice. That is being WEAK.

    People have no respect for anyone who allows themselves to be walked all over.

    You DO have the right to say NO.

    And if you want to get somewhere, you gotta start doing something about it yourself. Otherwise nothing happens.  

    Christians always ask God to help them, and then they wonder why nothing happens. Because they never bother to take the first step.

  14. Yes, there is a point to being nice. It's good for character development. It's also good for your health.

    This question was also asked by David in the bood of Psalms. He asked God why the wicked are so prosperous, while he (a Godly man) suffers so much.

    God replied by telling him that the wicked will have their reward. The happiness of the wicked is in this life only, but God is developing good character (sometimes through trials and tribulation) in the Godly or nice people. Your real reward in Glory will be more wonderful than anyone can imagine!

  15. Supposedly the fact that you fail is evidence that God loves you more than those who don't. I'm not sure which is the cause and which is the effect, does God love those who suck, or does He cause those he loves to suck?  

  16. Being a good person is much better than being a bad person in the long run.  Just because people are being rewarded at the moment for less than exemplary behavior doesn't mean that they are going to continue to be rewarded in the end.

  17. I'm a nice guy who doesn't really have that much, but I'd rather be poor than a b***ard.

  18. Yes there is. Karma isn't instant, but I believe it because I've seen it often. People do get what they deserve. But don't count on Karma to get you where you need to be. Stop focusing on what other's have, and focus on yourself. You want to do better in school? I'm sure there are tutors or something on campus to help you out. Meet with your professors during their office hours if you need extra assistance- they are paid for that time so they can be accessible to you. Try and find a job on campus- there are usually a lot available.

    I know other people have it easier - that's part of life. Some people are just fortunate enough to be born into a nice family with money and things are easy for them for a while. But if you learn to do things for yourself things will be easier for you in the long run, because you won't be relying on anyone but yourself, and you'll be a strong person that can handle anything.

    There is also relationship counseling too. If you don't think you can save your relationship, take some time for yourself to figure out who you really are, and maybe you will find someone more compatible next time. Everything in your life will be just fine if you take charge of it.

    And take solace in the fact that people do eventually get what's coming to them.

    Edit: Also, being nice means you can sleep at night. It's not just about getting something back for it.

  19. Okay?

  20. If the only reason you are being nice to people is because you expect to be rewarded for it, then you aren't being genuinely nice are you?

    People who are most rewarded for being nice are the people who like being nice because they like making other people happy. Because being nice always makes other people happy which, in turn, makes you happy. However, if you don't feel better when you make someone else happy or when good things happen to other people, then the problem is with you.

  21. No, there is no point in being nice to people, the only logical reason is to survive. Otherwise it's useless.

  22. Stay being nice.

    You don't want to become a spiteful cow, all bitter and twisted.

    Good things come to those who wait.

    Don't worry about grades. Life is the real lesson.

  23. Karma is not an exact view, but it generally says that nasty people will eventually build up enough nastiness in their lives that it will blow back onto them. It doesn't say when, or how, or how long it will take for any specific person.

    Spend less time worrying about why others are doing what looks to be OK. Spend more time making your life work in the way that you want it to.

    If your relationship isn't working, work to fix it, with the person you're with, which means having honest talks with them, or end it, if it cannot be made to work, and then work to see what you did that was a problem in it, and work to correct that in yourself, so that, in your future you can be more fit for a future relationship.

    And, often what seems to be easy in someone else's life, isn't easy to them. You just don't get to see the intimate details of their difficulties.

    But, you know all of your own. So, your view of both isn't equal.

  24. Yes it's alot better to be nice because it gives you a better mood over all.

    There's no POINT in being mean because all you are doing is being mad for something that won't change.

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