
Seriously, isn't this just outrageous...?

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Some schools in the UK have now banned the teaching of the Holocaust out of fear of offending Muslim students. This has happened over a year ago but I just now found out about it and it really makes my blood boil. I just hope something like this doesn't happen here in the States. I hope the British get out of this mess okay...




  1. what do muslims have to do with the holocaust?

  2. The British gov't is running scared of the Muslim community there.  They are so afraid of offending any muslims.  Look what happens when someone offends a Muslim.  Remember the cartoon of Muhammed with a bomb fuse in his turban?  How about Salman Rushdie when he wrote that book,  Satanic Verses.  Vengeful little buggers, eh wot?

  3. That's disgusting. In a way, that's almost an insult to Muslim students as well, seeing that the Education system is affiliating Muslims (whom the majority just go about their lives as any other person on the planet) with Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who stated not only that the Holocaust didn't occur, but that he would wipe Israel off the map. This is a serious issue and just goes to show how politically incorrect political correctness is.

    In my school, I know it's being taught. I just hope that article is wrong.

  4. It's not true.

  5. don't know if that's true, as i've not looked at the curriculum, but here in the uk it is fine to offend english people, jews, hindus, sikhs, catholics, polish and french people, but not ok to offend muslims, scots or Gypsies

    get out of this mess? i doubt it!

  6. why is it that some people are so ready to get their pants in a twist over poltical correctness meaures? especially when most of them are stupid ideas that never come into fruition.  

  7. This is NOT TRUE. It is an urban myth - or, more likely, a lie dreamed up to stoke anti-Muslim feelings.

    The Holocaust is on the National Curriculum, and must be taught.

    Here's some references:

  8. We are not in a mess thanks - the Holocaust has never been a major part of school history and there is no real reason for it to be.  Whilst it is important to remember it is actually most relevant to German and Jewish history.  It has not been banned.

  9. Not banned, just avoided. And yes it is ridiculous but from what I can tell it's over now. I doubt it was happening everywhere though, probably just in a couple of places. I can see their reasons for doing it, they don't want to upset anyone but it is a bit extreme. But then the Holocaust is a very upsetting subject anyway and it's likely the people who would be most affected by it already know about it. It just seemed like a misguided attempt to do the right thing.

    On another note: "I just hope something like this doesn't happen here in the States" I'd say the whole argument about teaching evolution can be compared to this, just in my opinion.

  10. Britain is a cesspit, and we pander to every bloody nationality of people here.  They ALL have their welfare catered for, and it pisses me off enormously...........if only I could afford to emigrate..................

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