
Seriously, what does everyone have against C. Ronaldo?

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Okay, I was answering a question and noticed that most people said they hated C. Ronaldo, besides the usual cheater, diver, bad attitude, blah, blah, blah, give a different reason as to why most hate him. I mean you can't deny that he has unbelievable talent. Is it that most of you perhaps wish you had an excellent footballer like him on your team, hmm....

Here's the question I was reeferring to BTW:




  1. Some people just cant admit the fact that he's talented, soccer everyone dives, its all strategy, but without a doubt he has attitude issues, but who doesn't, look at Zidane, a world class footballer, and what happened in the 2006 world cup.

    my point is, C. Ronaldo is a skillful player, C'mon give him credit, 42 goals this passed season.  

  2. I hate him because, he is a






    Disloyal ........

    .............b*****d. You're right he is the most talented footballer in the world goals, tricks, free kicks how can the United fans NOT love him ? I can't deny that he is the worlds best player in the world. 40+ goals yeah thats right hes the best glory glory viva ronaldo but hes still a prick. Have a poll for the ABU(Anyone But United) fans, see if there is anyone that can type what they think of him without getting censored haha  


  3. He's talented but the cons far out weigh the pro's because...

    Hes arrogant, an idiot, has a fake tan, ugly haircut, thinks the world revolves around himself, sooks, dives, unsportsmanlike and hes selfish.

  4. How can I explain this. I dnt even need to see a vid. I look at a pic of him and I think he is looking down on me thinking of himself as the "God of Football"

    Makes me wana smack his nose with an upright.

    He is a great player with skills and for sure him scoring goals gets hardly ANY ManU fans not liking him.

    But I tend to look beyond football skills in a player:

    He is arrogant, cocky, thinks of himself as above all other players, he showboats unnecessarily, dives, complains to refs and to be frank is more famous for his looks and private lifestyle than his football (world over that is). On top of it he has a nice chest and muscles, but I wudnt exchange my face or my hairstyle for the hideous c**p he has.

    He is orange in colour and cries on the pitch when he wins, loses or is fouled. He literally lifts his arms in the air n smacks them down like he is a baby.

    he looks like the American teen movie classic jock boy captain of the Football team (American), all muscles and arrogance, no brains, voloptuous chick, yet a complete cu*t.

    Id rather have gattuso than him, any day. If C Ronaldo ever came to AC Milan Id give away my season ticket. Im not joking.

    And oh, it wasn't that hard to stop him:

    You just need someone attached to him that dsnt give him space, which is what he gets in the EPL, and he is a goner. Roma play EPL style btw, in case u wondered :P

  5. Ronaldinho and Ibrahimovic have great talent too but they were on my list for players I hate.  I have my reasons.  Half of my answer you said it for me. Diver and bad attitude for starters. His arrogance. Some of the things he has said in interviews. His hair and his face bother me too. I don't care for his playing style either. All those goofy step overs and he goes nowhere. He's also overrated in the skills and looks department. Italy and Milan kicked his *** every time and he's ugly. I could go on and on.

    Haha my friend who had never seen a full game and didn't know who C. Ronaldo was saw him on the screen for 20 seconds and said "that guy seems like an a**hole."

    He's like the annoying dumb popular jock at your high school who you'd love to punch in the face.  :D

    This video says it all. He needs Rooney's boot in his face. Hehe.

  6. People love to hate the "Top Player". Some see him as the person who epitomizes what naive, selfish, unsporting behavior and

    cockyness really is. Though those people forget that sport isn't a road for the meek and helpful, Tiger Woods got to where he is by thinking of himself and not being a team player. Though Cristiano can have those moments where everyone thinks what a great player he is and is mesmerized by his dazzling skills but he is often caught up in the adrenaline of football which causes the one thing on his mind to show up - Winning.

  7. well waht you said are good enough reasons..

    but nways, for me its more his attitude. he strikes me as someone who'd wanna win at all cost, be called the best etc when you kinda know there's someone else out there (maybe more than one) who's better and who's just goin about his job without all the hype. ronaldo acts like he's god's gift to football and ppl believe it, they go ronaldo this and that blah blah. that kind of of annoys me lol.

  8. I'm his fan but if he leave manchester united i'm not

  9. LOL... are you serious.... ''besides the usual cheater, diver, bad attitude''.... what more reasons do you need, he's nothing special, there were players before him and there will be players after him that can score goals, ONLY Man U (and EPL) fans are rating him very high, last time Messi was second at FIFA WPOTY award and he was injured half of the season :D:D:D.... 20 years from now C.Ronaldo will be just a player, NEVER a legend, just because of his ugly attitude!!!!

  10. he's just overrated, overpaid and overtanned

    he doesn't SUCK as a player, but his attitude gets really annoying because he always thinks he is the best and he always votes for the player for the PFA award no one else votes for so he will win

    and his fans made this site

    :( poor cesc, i hope he never sees that site

  11. think about it

    not only is the guy a cheater and a diver but he also has a big idea of himself

    he thinks he is the best football player in the world which shows how arrogant he is

    we all know he is a great footballer but that doesnt make him top of the world and especially he should acknowledge that and stop bragging

    thats what i hate the most about him plus the fact that over this summer ,after what happened with real madrid and his supposed transfer i wouldnt blame if some man.utd fans booed him and turned against him.

    the fact that he clearly showed his great desire of going to real madrid shows how disloyal he is to the one team that made him into the star and he is chasing after the money and despite him staying in man.utd for another season,he still hasnt hown any remorse of having wanted to move to real madrid.

    he doesnt care about his team.the only thing he cares about is his fame

    he cries all the time like a girl in each match and always thinks he is treated unfairly by the referees

  12. he is a dirty prick

    everybody knows that

  13. Its just about the aura he has about him. You dont have to watch him for long to get the impression that he thinks he is better than everyone else he competes against. And even if he is better, you become much more respected amongst your peers and fans if you can show a certain amount of humility regarding your abilities.

    Also the winking incident against england in the WC was what started a lot of the hatred towards him. You gotta do something pretty bad to have your own fans turn against you. I think that incident (along with his diving antics) started the view that he is a bit deceitful and has a "win at all costs, even if i have to cheat" mentality. Winking at the bench after rooney's red card sort of implied that it had been part of portugals game plan to unsettle rooney as CR knew how volatile he could be.

    You gotta admit though, he does sorta resemble the pretty boy high school jock type. You know the one, looks down at everyone else, treats people like dirt, thinks that everyone in the world owes them something.

    I can appreciate his skill, but his attitude definitely needs some improvement.

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