
Seriously, why not leave?

by  |  earlier

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For those that admittedly hate our country and what it stands for... why not go elsewhere? I don't mean this to be a mudsling contest but a real question. And I am not addressing this to those that love the U.S. but have concerns. I mean those that admit that they are ashamed of this country and are not proud of it. I assume that those in other countries are proud of their country, why not find one you align with and... go there?




  1. Globalization plus Free Trade. Homogenization .

    Corporate Buildings everywhere plus stores have the same look. Same economic system. Other reasons the people can use Fair Trade goods instead of leaving.

  2. The reason that they dont leave, is because they can see that they are able to change things here the way they want, and there is not a lot of oppisition to them.  The good people of this country also unfortunatley dont stand up enough, and the bad guyz are taking over.   Why should the bad guyz leave when they can just change things to the way they want them.

    Here is a call for the good guyz to stand up and take the country back,.

  3. same thing the British told George Washington, imagine that

  4. Because not everybody who isn't proud of this country can afford to leave.

  5. I'm proud of this country and its laws and the CONSTITUTION, I hate that there are people in the whitehouse that routinely ignore the constitution and the laws of this land

  6. They should at least try to live in other countries for a while. While serving in the military I visited a number of countries, none compared to America. People all over the world are applying for Immigration to America. In fact our immigration numbers for legal immigration is higher than all other countries combined.

  7. I would but Bush has debased our currency to the point that my savings will only allow me to move to other third world countries.

    And at the moment, America is one of the better third world destinations.

  8. I admit that I hate the U.S. government.  However, I love the lands.  I have great neighbors.  Despite problems inflicted upon us by our government, I admire many things about our culture.  I have no plans to leave it.

    If someone truly hates the place where they live, I agree that they should find someplace else to live.  I think, though, that most people who admit to hating our country feel as I do.  In my opinion, it is tyrannical to tell us to leave because we protest the government that rules us.

  9. I have to admit, i love our country and what it stands for its just that i dont care much for the politicians and their way of running this countryand it seems like they are doing more harm than good.

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