
Seriously, why would someone come to a category in order to ruin it intentionally?

by  |  earlier

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What do you suppose their motivation to be? This happens a lot in Polls and Surveys where people usually have fun. And the spoilers last for months on end. It honestly perplexes me.




  1. Most likely it gives them a sense of power and control.  People who need to feel important and are unable to do this in a positive way will resort to negatives.  After all, negative attention is better than no attention.  It's just the nature of human beings.

  2. Dissent is healthy as it exposes one to alternative viewpoints.  It's how we expand our minds.  I don't care to preach to the choir.

    As for the tools who purposely play devil's advocate:  they are also useful in developing a thicker skin, sense of humour etc.

    Don't worry about them.  They are always going to be around.

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