
Seriously! Do You Really Think Mark McGwire Didn't Take Something?

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Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmero, Barry Bonds and any other superstar suspected of taking steroids is technicaly innocent until proven guilty. In this country it's actually guilty until proven innocent! With that being said do you think Mark McGwire improved with strength training and not on performance enhancing drugs? My own take on this is until proven guilty you are innocent and the records are yours. I may not like you based on your personality or whatever but until you are judged legally guilty I won't treat you any diffferent! What do you think?




  1. Well my dad played with mark mcgwire in highschool no lie. so my dad called mark to see if he was taking steroids and mark said he actually was. thats why no one really socializes with him anymore

  2. Is this suddenly a hot topic? McGwire last played in 2001, and MLB has no precedent for altering the historical statistical records except in cases of editorial error or oversight. Baseball stats do not exist to fulfill a political agenda; they are, and should always be, an accurate recording of on-field events.

    McGwire acknowledged in 1998 that he used a steroidal precursor, androstenedione, which is known to boost the body's testosterone production. At that time this product was legally available and not prohibited by Major League Baseball. (Often overlooked is that he hit 65 home runs in 1999, while no longer (by his own word) using andro.)

    While "innocent until proven guilty" is how the courts of the legal system are supposed to work, the court of public opinion tends not to bother with such a high standard.

    Regards use of steroids while an active player:

    McGwire -- allegations only.

    Sosa -- allegations, and really weak ones at that. At least McGwire used andro. There's NOTHING on Sosa; he just hit piles of home runs.

    Bonds -- used by his own admission, though in that selfsame testimony he claimed ignorance of the true nature of the applications.

    Palmeiro -- failed a blood test for steroids.

    I honestly do not care at all whoever used what prior to the 2003 (steroids) and 2005 (HGH) bans enacted by joint agreement between MLB and the MLBPA. Competitive people always seek an edge and it certainly wasn't one or two or three isolated individuals taking advantage of these particular forms of therapy. But, yeesh, if folks really want to dogpile someone for, I dunno, violating their overinflated senses of righteousness, there's really only the one established candidate who should take the public floggings. But Palmeiro holds no records or trophies or titles, so that's just not much fun. It's like cutting down the 12th biggest tree in the forest -- so what?

  3. I WAS a huge McGuire fan, until the Congressional hearing.

    Though he admitted to nothing, there's not a person on the planet who doesn't believe he was juicing.

    Well, maybe OJ.

  4. Wow, why are you bringing up this tired subject. It has already been discussed ad nauseum. Put it in the past and talk about something people care about...

  5. lol


    das jus stating tha obvious bro

    its like saying micheal jackson didnt touch dose little boys

  6. h**l yes he took em!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I say, who cares.... What they are guilty of is pulling a League that no one cared about and had horrible ratings out of the gutter. Even if they could bench press 1000lbs it still takes a lot of talent to hit homeruns....

  8. I hate all of those guys.

    I say strip them of all of their records and ban them from having anything to do with the majors or minors.

    They cheated, they know it, and cheaters never prosper.

  9. he did but he didnt really need it he had similar power even `before the steroids and if still playing he would be our present all time home run leader

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