
Seriously--Palin? What did McCain let Bush do the picking, or was this dumb choice really his?

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it is obvious he picked her for being a woman. he has a bad voting record with women, and he wants the little clinton supporters left.

personally i'm offended as a woman. he shouldn't disregard a pick for their gender, but also gender shouldn't be a reason to pick someone. Also, to think voters will vote based on gender questions their intelligence.

I would've been scared as an Obama-Biden supporter if he'd picked Romney




  1. no i think she will be great

    if you really have been watching the news for a while

    she was in the running by the media months ago

    most people think it was on the fly

    bit this has been planed out for a while

    glen beck interviewed her months ago

    about being VP

    and she just laughed

    the problem is everyone thought he was going to pick a man becuase it has been done like that for so long

    i'm glad he picked her i think she will do great as VP

  2. This ignoring the fact that she's gotten more done than the Democratic candidate for PRESIDENT.  

  3. obama's gonna win anyways so idc about McCain's stupid choice. not that i want him to but its gonna happen anyways.

  4. that's an obvious desperate move to get Clinton's voters. This shows he doesn't care about the future as there are many more capable candidates than the Alaska Governor. All he wants is to win the race, then have it his way in the White House just like Bush.

  5. Actually to be frank, why asked why??  Whatever its just a formation to them, we wont know the fact. Political matter... Dark knight !!!

  6. I agree with you on this one. Senator John McCain certainly didn't take much time in choosing this person. Her being a woman negates his purpose. SHE is 'nothing' like Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. If McCain wanted to pretend that he respected women, he should have told Governor Palin to keep her mouth shut about Hillary. Quite naturally, this person could never fill Hillary's shoes. I wish you well. Peace!

  7. they know male voters like to look at a little t and a every once in a while

  8. She's pretty qualified....what about her experience has you troubled?  She has more qualifications and experience than Odumber, who by the way tries to convince people he's the man of change and chooses a long time entitlement sucking plagiarist as his running mate.  Now how dumb is that?  

  9. I am also offended, we should all be offended.  Does McCain really think we have no brain cells? That we would vote for someone just because of their gender? It's absurd!!  I would feel better about his choice of a woman if she had some more experience.  Maybe Palin would make a better Candidate after she had more experience. Although from what I have learned about her in the last 24 hours, I would not vote for her if she had had decades of experience because I am not in agreement with many of her views.  It was a desperate move from a desperate man.

  10. He doesn't really want to win the election. He's old, and he's tired. His back was against the wall. He had to make a choice and quick. He met this woman twice, before he nominated her. Polls showed that McCain was a solid choice, even though I doubt the credibility of those polls, and are only as accurate as, who those polls counted.  I truly think she's the Republicans scapegoat. They know McCain won't win, after watching the Democratic Convention. They've known for the last several years that Bush made it impossible for any Republican to win. They needed an unknown, to blame it on. As they cannot take the blame for their own failures. It makes political sense,  when McCain returns as Senator, that he will be able to continue without having to hang  his head in shame. His choice shows me how unpredictable, unwise, and senile he really is. He has no clue.

    The stakes are simply too high, and the cost too great.

    We as Americans, citizens, must ground this plane, before he crashes it.  

  11. I would've been happy with Romney as well. I am scared enough with Obama but with Obama-Biden it's really scary. I am so scared about the direction of this country it's not even funny.

    And this whole bussiness about picking her just because she's a woman. Obama just picked Biden becuase he is a strong Christian.

    While Palin may only have a short amount of time under her belt she has done more inher 2 years than Obama's entire politcal career. Obama just talks, and does so with empty words.

    Palin is pro-life, and has seen difficulties. She has been open with the fact that she did smoke pot (legal in AK), she did in fact inhale the pot, but she did not like it so it wasn't a problem. She is honest, not afraid to take on anyone, including her own party, and I think she is a good choice.

    And I'm sorry but whoever said that the Hillary supporters would be to smart to fall for this tactic is wrong. Hillary suporters are not smart in the first place. And Palin will more than "fill" Hillary's shoes. Did you know she has a son ready to be deployed to Iraq to FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY! What does Obama do? He goes over and asks if we can "change" and all just get along. Blah, blah, blah!

  12. McCain is simply pandering to the Hillary Democrats.  the smart ones will not be fooled.

    Those who think a woman does NOT have the "right to choose" SHOULD vote for McCain/Pa.. (whatever her name is).

    McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    McCain and the Republicans believe a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!


  13. It offends me too that McCain has the nerve to think that just because he has  picked a woman, people should vote for him.  It's even sadder that this is the truth.  I've been reading some responses to other similar questions and some people have said that they will change their vote for Obama to McCain just because of her.  She's not even experienced.  It was a good move to appeal to the ignorant Clinton supporters, but a hypocritical move as well.  I hope he doesn't win, the old swollen-jawed shyster.  

  14. You are crazy.

    you should be happy because if mccain is elected we would have our first women vice president WOO HOO =D

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