
Seriously. Tornados at night what do they look like i need to know now.?

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Seriously. Tornados at night what do they look like i need to know now.?




  1. the same they do during the day!! but really, you cant see them unless lightning flashes. just watch the news and they should keep you updated.

  2. If you hear it then it is really too late. I speak from experience...we had a tornado start over my parents house when I was living with them. I was in the shower (and so was my neighbor I found out). It sounded just like a semi and we had no warning. Just recently last week a couple touched down about 5-10 miles from my house and the sirens turned on about 10-20 minutes after the fact...the storm was just heavy rain - no lightning at all. Both of these occurrences were in the daytime. Your best bet is to have a CB and weather radio as people will be communicating on a CB before you know about it from forecasters. My dad has told me about that TV method which also works with funnel clouds.

  3. Get an old TV that isn't hooked up to cable. Tune the TV to channel 13, and darken the image to black. Then click over to channel 2. If a tornado is approaching, the screen will brighten.

  4. You will hear them .. way before you see them... the only way you will be able to even catch a glimpse in when there is lightning striking.

  5. Look out the window and you will see one.

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