
Seriously. What would be the next step from somebody?

by  |  earlier

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knowing astrology to become counsellors ??

I know them.

Many on here would never make it that is for sure and some would be very very good.

Your opinions if any please ?




  1. Seriously. My opinion is that you may be obsessing. And before you get mad, you did ask.

    Oddity wants to know what is the next step a person who knows astrology would need to take to become a counselor. And then comments that there are some on this site that would be good at it and some that would not. We can assume at this point that there will be a follow up edit to let us know which would be considered good and which bad.

    Did I get that correct, Oddity?

  2. hi space oddity...I am sorry but I am having a difficult time understanding your you mean the next step 'for' somebody?

    and do you mean astrology counselors or just like a well-being counselor....this post is interesting but if you could explain a little further then I might be able to give you a decent answer - sorry, but yeah, I am guilty of having blonde moments from time to time - lol...if you could just elaborate a little....?

    ****I gotcha!Just didn't want to misunderstand! It was what I originally thought you meant! Thanks!

    And to answer your question - yes, i think there are certainly some who would be very good as a councelor, respected and revered even - for sure...I wouldn't be surprised if some are already....! At least in some way anyway....

    ***Edit - I wouldn't be surprised also if some of these practice some other type of divination and even a holistic approach to life.....hmm....what do you think? (lol - maybe a couple of new age hippies also...(giggling) - Seriously though, I think there are definitely some who deserve (and have earned it honestly) some respect! I have a lot of favorites here in this section and a lot of people that i respect!

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