
Seriously! Why Is Lance Armstrong Treated Differently In The Media Than Barry Bonds?

by Guest58251  |  earlier

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Until you are judged legally guilty in a court of your peers you are innocent! Neither Lance or Barry has been proven guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs but the Media and the Public in general in this Great Country of ours has treated Barry with complete hatred and disdain while lauding Lance as the greatest American Hero! I personally can't stand Barry Bonds since he is a a betrayer of his marital vows and other things that are really not important right now. The fact is he is one of the greatest players to play the game and if he weren't such a jerk with the media maybe he wouldn't be vilified the way he is. Talk to me.

It's a simple question! Don't take it personal!




  1. Bonds is a bigger tool.

  2. He survived cancer, sir, and that makes him the greatest hero of all time.  Do you doubt him!?  Just because he had cancer?!~!@#

  3. Because every1 in the world knows bonds is a cheat, proven or not proven. Lance Armstrong is prob the greatest athlete in history.

  4. His head and feet never exploded.

  5. Because Bonds, as good as he is at the sport, also excels at one other thing - he manages to irritate and snub just about all those around him. The way he's portrayed in the media is his own doing. I just wonder how he'll do if the Yankees decide to put him on the payroll - NYC media will tear him up.

  6. Lance Armstrong had cancer. When someone has a serious disease and overcomes the odds, etc., etc., that person is celebrated.

    But besides that, Bonds has a lot of things against him. For some people, it might be racially motivated. For me personally, I dislike the way Bonds presents himself. He's rude to team ownership, managers, teammates, media, fans.

    I had someone tell me once that Bonds just wanted his privacy, but I don't think that's a very valid statement. Of course people want privacy, but you cannot expect to be a major league player and break a hallowed record and still have privacy. You have to understand that you will be in the media's eye and everyone will be watching and judging.

    If Bonds had a better relationship with the public, he would be welcomed, at least a bit more than he is now.

  7. lance never took steroids look at him he look like a walking stick no berry looked like than and in just a couple of years he gained more than a hundred pounds of muscle and went fom 20 homerun to 30 to 40 then 73 come on even stevie wonder can see that and lance is a remarcable story of wiil perceverence and th will to live hes a hero to many cancer survivors

  8. Maybe the differences are racially motivated.

  9. cause lance armstrong has cancer. if he took steroids.. uuuuh pretty sure thats not goood.

  10. Ummm cause Lance Armstrong had like 2 types of cancer at once , and still one the hardest race in the world 7 times in a row and has raised millions for cancer research. I dont personally care if Armstrong used Steroids, doing what he has done is spectacular, and it doesnt even compare to 750+ HR's that the jerk Bonds got PS I hated him before the whole Roids thing, cause he is a jerk

  11. 1.  Armstrong had 2 forms of cancer and simultaneously won what might be the hardest sporting event known to man.

    2.  Armstrong gives millions to cancer research.

    3.  Armstrong doesn't cheat on his wife.

    4.  Armstrong is white.

    5.  Armstrong is in an international sport

    6. Several witnesses claim that Bonds did roids.

    6.2  A lab said that Armstrong had high testosterone levels after he won the race (who wouldn't)  a second lab showed he hadn't taken steroids

    6.3 Bonds even has admitted to maybe taking unknowingly, a cream? that could have been steroids.

    7. Armstrong is humble

    8. Armstrong never bulked up, Barry like became the hulk overnight, and he is lazy.

  12. Not sure about the media, but the general public still calls Lance a hero and an inspiration while Barry is a bum and a cheat.

    Maybe it is because Armstrong has cancer?

  13. Because of the cancer aspect of his story.  Other than that, they are the same.  They cheated for personal gain in their sport.  Hope they are happy.  Greg LeMond anyday!

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