
Seriously...can anybody smart be President or VP these days?

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First it was Bush (Bad ideas, but you can't say he isn't smart. His daddy got him into Yale, where he did pretty well). Now Palin could be vp? she has 20 months of experience, and is some random mother of 4.




  1. Sarah can and will be a smart VP. She will stick to her strong family morals, and if McCain does something she doesn't agree with , she will resign. At last, a real American in politics!

  2. "random mother of four"... you lefty libs are real hypocrites.  Just like Hillary is some random mother of one.

  3. and george washington wasn't politician he was a soldier  

  4. You only have to be

    1. a U.S. Citizen

    2. 35 years old

    3. you should have at least a 4 year degree in something if you want your chances to be better and you really don't have to be very smart take Obama for instance, he pretty much blew it when he didn't choose Hillary for VP. I bet he wishes he did now!!

    Vote for McCain/ Palin that's the smart way to go!!

  5. Palin is excellent..

    My question..

  6. If McCain is president, then any ol' woman should have a chance of being VP!

  7. According to the speaker of the house, the top republican, "she's old enough and she's a citizen . . .she's qualified."

    Darn. . . I could'a run for VP!

  8. This is the first time I've heard a man who tried calling the Italian Prime Minister over by shouting "Amigo! Amigo!" called smart. But to answer the question, it would be possible if Ron Paul was a candidate.

  9. Why couldnt America just vote for the smart candidates instead of the ones who look good or are veterans... My ideal elections for 08 wouldve been Dennis Kucinich v. Ron Paul... Sh*t that would be one h**l of a debate!! but naah we just had to vote for that black dude whose good and speaking and looks pretty good for a man his age, and some really old guy (who probably got a lot of sympathy votes cuz hes old and "deserves" a job as president before he dies) who was a POW and talks a lot about how war sucks but wants to preemptively strike a country thats planning on taking over the eastern hemisphere... ITS A F*CKING THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY, THERE'S NO WAY IT COULD TAKE OVER A COUNTRY LET ALONE THE ENTIRE WORLD(not to mention that security council countries are probably the ones who sold them weapons for their army, so if you want a preemptive strike, shoot yourself!)... good job america for yet again falling for mindless propaganda and now Muslims are our new Communists...

  10. The President will be as smart as the VOTERS want him/her to be!

    This Nov. Vote "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

    that is vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican.

    or write in RON PAUL

    Tell the professional politicians  that the "mainstream" candidates are UNACCEPTABLE!

  11. Bush? Smart?  His IQ is in the 120s and he was a C average in Yale.  They kick those people out of Yale.  He survived cause his dad had money.

  12. Oh lets see, on the Democrat side, you have Obama with only 143 days in the US senate, not even passing 26 of his own bills, he voted 90% of the time present (which is Congress's equivalent to Undecided or No Opinion), and Senator Allerd (R) put all 111 of Obama's economic policies into one proposal, that was estimated to cost taxpayers 300 billion dollars (more then we spend on oil in a year), and it was voted 99 against, and 0 for, yep thats right, he voted agianst his own economic bill.

    Then you have Biden, a guy that, in 2003, voted that offenders that cause harm or kill an unborn child while committing a crime should not get an extra sentence, which that vote would make you think that he doesn't think life begins at conception, on the contrary, in 2004, he voted that he believe's life begins at conception. What a contradiction.

    On the Republican side, you have McCain, a senator for 25 years, voted constantly on his beliefs, no contradictions, passed several bills, and stayed consistent in his votes, also being in the Navy, and experiencing War, while Obama was watching documentaries about it in high school.

    Then you have Sarah Palin, a mother, family oriented. That votes consistently on what she believes. And knows what it is like growing up as a middle-class american.

    I'll take the Republican side anyday, if Obama is the democratic nominee.

    See, the Republican side has the Experienced guy as Presidential candidate, and the not so experienced gal as VP, the Democrat side has the inexperienced guy as the Presidential candidate, with the experienced, yet contradicting guy as VP, which makes more sense, experience wise?

  13. Yes, anyone can, and it's not just "these days", it's always been that way...That's one of the good things about living in America

    Every person has the opportunity to succeed or fail...Every child can say "I want to be president when I grow up" if they really want to.

    The requirements to be president are:

    1) Natural-born citizen

    2) At least 35 years old


    1) Anyone who has served 2 terms as President, is ineligible

    The same requirements apply to VP, because a VP has to meet the requirements for the presidency in case they need to take over.

    BTW, you forgot to mention Obama, who also has very little experience

  14. Obama will be President and he is very smart.

    Barack Obama attended Occidental College, but received his undergraduate degree in political science from Columbia University, an Ivy League member currently ranked 9th in the country by U.S. News and World Report.

    Obama also graduated Magna *** Laude from the Harvard Law School, where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review.

    Obama also worked as a senior lecturer on Constitutional Law at Chicago University.

  15. I would take honest over smart any day. We have had no honesty and are not going to have it out of Nobama or McSame either.

  16. It's respect for life that seems to be the problem in most cases, providing equal human rights is difficult because everyone has their own idea of what makes people equal. I don't think just anybody would want to be a VP or a president because of the responsibility and obligations that have a larger impact than being a movie star. I do agree that education plays a big part in the whole package, sometimes the circumstances really do prevent people and other times people overcome their circumstances to that level. It's not impossible.  

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