
Seriously competing and i need help!?

by  |  earlier

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so i started running 6 months ago and i sucked. but over the summer i trained and worked really hard on my own. so this season for cross country the lead girl runner and i are seriously competing to be the best. she didnt expect me to be this good and kinda sent inspirational "you can do it" emails until she saw me run right on her tail yesterday. now shes explaining that her dad expects her to be the best (he really does) and pushed her and is her second coach. but i've worked hard and have given up a lot to even be here and to be this good. i want to fight for that spot but at the same time i dont want her to start to not like me and p**s her dad off.





  1. Go for it girl. Don't care what the other girl thinks or says or whatever. You know you worked hard for it and want it so go do it. If she gets mad at you and you p**s her dad off so what? If you are good then you should get rewarded for it. Don't let anything hold you back. Good luck.

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