
Seriously friends how many think Michael Vaughn was the worst cap and is a less of a man because of crying ?

by Guest65999  |  earlier

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Dear friends of the cricket section,

I have come to the cricket section after a break. As usual I see nothing has changed. It does not surprise me ! Some people are just too myopic here.

I have asked you for your comments for his resignation or crying. I do not want you to agree with me, but let me quote. He said:

"That was very special to be part of a series that captured a nation," a tearful Vaughn told a news conference. "People in the street coming up to congratulate me -- people who had never seen cricket before -- was very special. I've put my heart and soul into the job but my head is telling me to pack it in."

The act of shedding tears as a response to an emotional state in adult men does not necessarily mean a sign of weakness. In my mind it is because he was overwhelmed by the peoples response, and the fact that he could see that people have truly appreciated his efforts despite the losses.

I think Michael Vaughan is the greatest captain in the history of England cricket. It says so in the record books. Yes friends check his record: P 51 W 26 D 14 L 11

Finally, I think we should congratulate Vaughn on his excellent contribution with the hope that his countrymen or those from other countries do not un-necessarily slander his name.

Sorry for the long question...just had to say it.

Rehman of Multan




  1. I think these people who are making fun of Michael Vaughan really need to sit back and look at their selves.I find this very insulting to a great man..There is absolutly nothing wrong with a MAN showing his true feelings,any man would get choked up when speaking about the love and support he has recieved from his family ll over his career,that is what got him so emotional...

    I do not think any less of Vaughan for resigning as captain of the English cricket team,or for him showing his emmotions at the press conference..He is thinking firstly of this great team he has been a part of for such a long time and secondly he is thinking of cricket as a whole..

    He has put the team before himself,he knows he has no longer got the passion he once had and it is very noble of him to admit this too..

    I haopen to think he is more of a man than alot of other players out there,and i congratulate him on his great cricket career and i wish him all the best in what ever he wished to do next in his life...

  2. Michael Vaughan was good captain.. but in this series his team was losing and he also could not perform.. which make things difficult for them... i think if his team winning he will not forfeit from his captaincy.. but hes unlucky

  3. Hi Rehman,

    There is nothing wrong with a man who cries, it isn’t a sign of weakness at all, it doesn‘t make them less of a person and it sure doesn‘t mean they are devoid of masculinity or whatever. It just shows they're passionate about something they enthusiastically believe in.

    And Michael Vaughan loved his job and tried to be the best he could at it and believed that being a good leader and producing the results was what it meant to be a good captain. So when he starts failing to get results (with the bat as well as the loss against SA) and has to give up the captaincy of course he’s going to get upset. He served his county as captain for a long time, putting everything that came with the job before his own personal well-being and family and was a great success because of those sacrifices. So I’m sure he’ll feel devastated it‘s all over. Who wouldn’t be?

    Is he the best captain? Statistically yes, and he achieved a lot more than some captains ever did. The prevailing point though is that he was a great captain who rejuvenated the England team when they were arguably going through a terrible time and deserves all the praise and congratulations that comes his way for the contributions he made.

  4. Just because he cried doesn't mean he's less a man.  He's a man with emotion and resigning as cricket captain (especially if playing for england) is very emotional and nothing's wrong with showing emotion...

    Michael Vaughan is a great captain he put england back on track again there for a while, he was the captain who won the ashes back after so many years...  english people turned their attention again to cricket when Michael start captaining the english and especially when they've won the ashes back, it was great to see, it was great for cricket game.

    I thought Michael Vaughan is the most successful captain of the english... he's worked hard for it, it's jsut not happening for him lately. remember the lost to SA isn't not because of captain but also a team's work...

    I just saw the news (very short) he wasn't really crying but he was controlling it still a good effort for a man stepping aside...

    instead of criticising Michael people should thank him for his contribution.

  5. Adaab Rehman Bhai, yes some people are MYOPIC but i'm HYPERMETROPIC , lol. yes, Vaughan deserves an applause for his great tenure of capataincy and doing a great job for the country. Crying is by no means a symbolic representation of weakness, people cry of joy, people cry of sorrow, people cry of emotions, the people who are able to express their emotions are the most wonderful people in the world!

    he is one of them!

    Allah Hafiz!

  6. Hello Rehman,

    I was on tenterhooks all morning, awaiting a telephone call from the ECB, asking me to become the next England captain.

    Sadly, that call never came.

    The point of that statement is this. The dream of every English lover should be to become the England captain. It is the highest honour that can be bestowed on any cricketer in England.

    Michael Vaughan was well aware of this, and wore his office with pride and integrity.

    The fact that he cried publicly when relinquishing it showed how much he coveted the position. It wasn't just a job he did, it was something he lived, passionately, every day he was captain.

    I have no problems with him crying at his press conference. Only idiots with no pride or passion can possibly slander the man for this. But we should not judge them: they are so shallow they are beneath contempt.

  7. Good friend, Cricket is a game of uncertainity.  Bewst performing team of that match will win.  England lacks in consistance as a team.  They did well  when they perform as a  team

  8. Kim Hughes cryed when he resigned the Australian captaincy , Vinod kambli cried in India Lost To SL , in1996 and Inzy cried when leaving 2007 world cup too~

  9. Hi Rehman

    First of all, the question about Michael Vaughan asked earlier, was idiotic, insensitive and just poorly timed. I used to think that we English fans were the greatest supporters in the world. I believed that we would support our team through the good times and the bad times. BUT after this last month and a half, my estimation of England supporters has decreased.

    The question asked about Vaughan not being a man was the icing on the cake. Arent men allowed to cry? is there still a stereotypical barrier saying that men are not allowed to cry in this day and age?. As the saying goes real men cry!! A captain who shows emotion, a captain who lives with the high & low's is a far better captain than a robotic captain who shows no emotion!!. Vaughan served England very well over the last 5 years, and i wont think any less of him because he had a little cry.

    Was Vaughan the best England captain ever?

    Statistically YES! BUT Mike Brearly is up there with him, Vaughan did a lot for English cricket. He was very sucessful (he lost less that a 1/4 of his games in charge) He conquered the mighty Australia and he did what Brearly never did (beat the West Indies) Vaughan may have never won a series in the sub-continent, but he did everything else!! He was a great man, a great leader and a superb figure!

    The 3rd test between England vs South Africa was a cracker, but there were 2 matches in the Ashes series which were definitely more entertaning. It was a great match, full of drama and skill but to be a great match, there needed to be a close finish IMO

  10. i think he should have continued  

  11. I don't think he was all that bad, but obviously he wasn't comfortable in the position, or he wouldn't have resigned. I don't see any disgrace in crying, he was bound to feel he let his team down & it would have been a herculean task to go before the nation & admit he couldn't cope. I pity him greatly, & now hope he will get back to his best as a batsman without that burden on his shoulders.

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