
Seriously. how does this make sense to girls?

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there are so many posts about girls who want to work things out with their abusive or unfaithful guys. why do girls stay with them? they almost act like they don't know what to do, like leaving the guy is not an option? and why do girls go into relationships with guys that they know are bad boys and that they might not be treated well? why cant they just spend some time getting to know someone and decide on a guy who will treat them right?

all i seem to get by caring about the girls i know is just being friends. which is ok i guess, i mean thats why i do it. i just expected at least one to go beyond saying "oh your such a nice guy" and actually taking an interest in me.

i always hear about these guys that theyre dating and breaking up with. they all seem like they dont care at all about the girls. yet here i am trying to make things better when theyre sad or sick or injured and they just take it, say thank you and then turn the other way.




  1. the guys have high social status

    and are probably good looking

  2. how would they know who will treat them right?

    going through the bad first is something good for the good guy last.

    I think. I've had the experience, and its so hard to get over

    wondering if your good enough for him. trying to make yourself better. and still get shut down. that might be what they are complianing about.

    finally breaking up and getting over him. then have the guy thats good enough for you, and dont have to change anything about yourself.

    its a nice feeling and falling so much more in love with that.

  3. Girls like bad boys when they are young and snatch up the good guys in their mid 20's.

  4. because... girls feel like if there with this "bad boy" then maybe they would be the one person who can change them... make them actually care about life and end up loving her. they want to try to make a bad boy be a good boy... even if he does beat her or seem like he dosnt care... girls care about them b/c we know ther messing up their lifes living like a bad boy...

    does that make sense???  

  5. I am in exactly the same boat. I just don't get it.

  6. Because girls think and hope that someday they will change, and wants to be the one that change them.

  7. Cause girls like bad boys. They like playing games. They don't wanna leave them because they probably love them and love makes you blind!!

    If you wanna catch a girl you need to play games!

  8. well now you know what not to do to your wife.

  9. well you know girls logic, if they cant cook up a storm, ditch em

    gimmie best answer (y)

  10. Aww, don't give up on love, someone better will come along. Stay just the way you are because we need more men like you!

  11. Because girls are idiots (and I'm a girl, btw). I have dated my fair share of d-bags, and I am now with the most amazing man I have ever met. He treats me VERY well, he cares for me and we've been together for almost two and a half years. So just because those girls are looking for a "bad boy", doesn't mean that you'll never find someone. Just look for someone who isn't an idiot...or is a reformed idiot, like myself. :)

  12. Most of the women you are referring to have low self esteem and rather than picking themselves up, they become reliant on the bad treatment, however, the man may use the famous words, "Baby, I am sorry, I love you, I will never do it again."  Financially some women can't stand on their own so they stay and leave it at that.  Some don't know how to be alone.  And the others, well, I dont know.  (Personal Research) 1 in 17 women tend to walk away from abusive relationships.  A good guy to them is like winning the lottery, but because their esteem is as low as it is, they think that all guys are that way.  

    Also, not many women I know, can get into a relationship without bringing that old baggage into the new one.  I don't know.  

    Personally speaking, I got out of an abusive relationship, although, it only took him raising his hand to me ONE TIME, I hauled *** out of there, because I would have been the one going to jail and he was not worth it.

  13. I know a lot of girls who do the same thing...all of them have something in common...they all had poor relationships with their fathers and according to Frued, girls have a subcontious attraction to men like their fathers......i have heard of other cases where they have low self esteem and feel as though they have no other choice than to stay with the abusive man...

  14. While this doesn't help you right now...your doing the right thing,

    It is obvious that you are mature enough to respect women, and secure enough to be sensitive with them.  This will be noticed by women as you get older.

    I offer to you that these girls lack self esteem - and I hope they grow out of it.  Developing these friendships now, will at some point lead to a great relationship.  You know why?  Because you have a lot to offer.  Take care of yourself, and be patient.

  15. You'd be suprised how many people... men and women, believe that abuse is a way to show love.

    Example: "He wouldn't get so angry if he didn't REALLY love me".

    It's sad, but it is very true. Many people will accept the most negative forms of attention over no attention at all, and many others believe that the challenge of "changing" a mean, disrespectful, or otherwise seemingly undesirable person is a turn-on.

  16. i dont know

  17. because they dont become jerks until after they have fallen inlove with them.  and u men wonder how we become bit*ches

  18. You live in NY by any chance???

  19. im in the same exact boat as u man. from experience, the girls are lookin for the "confident" guys. i thought i was confident, but accordin to many girls ive talked to, the only way girls can see confidence in guys is through bein in ******. thats why theyre always with them. if they're with the "nice" guys, they're most likely not gonna get any passion, and sometimes drama, they want in a relationship sparingly.

  20. we always go for the bad ones who always make us feel like sh*t and let the good ones go. that is the way i understand it.

  21. because they are stupid and insecure.

    if a guy ever abused me i wouldnt hit him back... i would go and get a fkn gun!

  22. woman that are in physical or verbal abusize relashonships feel they need to stay becuase they feel sucure, and also attached to one. even though abuse comes more than happieness. they pretend the happieness over powers the abuse and they just stay.

  23. my best friend way the same way. She kind of liked it, even though she complained. I think their finally done

  24. Hi Lotyr,

    Read this, it might change your luck with women:

  25. I honestly don't know.

    I am a girl, but I personally can't stand 'bad' boys.

    I like guys who are responsible and who don't use girls. I like guys who will be there for me no matter what.

    So don't give up faith! There are some logical girls out there who will like you for your good-guyness. :]

  26. Because we're so blinded by the love.

    Simple as that.

    We're pathetic, aren't we..

    There's not a night I don't cry myself to sleep.

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