
Seriously how old??

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until i can start potty training, keeping in mind my son is almost always a head of his milestones and gets angry if u dont change his diaper right away when he goes #2 and doesnt like wet diapers at all.

he is pretty regular as far as he goes #2 about the same time every day.

i knw i cant start now he just turned 1year old 2 weeks ago but i would like to knw when is the earliest.




  1. if you think he ready then start. my son was 16 months when he started. so what i trying to say start while he is interested.

  2. Seriously, all the babies I know, including boys (my brothers, my cousins, my friends, their kids) were potty trained as soon as they started walking. Age 1 is great. At 12-13 motnhs the brain should get used to potty peeing, not diaper pee. You just take him when you know he would pee or poo (after lunch, after juice, after nap) and put him on the potty. Do it 10-20 times and he will understand when having a poo or pee he should go to the potty.

    If you prefer to be a lazy mom and not potty train him until 2-3, I'm sorry for the kid because that would slow his bran work a little bit. Why? Well, why should the brain work good and fast if he isn't required to do elementary stuff at appropriate age? The same you could do if you just don't let him play with toys - he is not ready! :-)))

  3. 2 years at the earliest! my daughter is 19 months and she i starting  to recognize the big potty but i have to get her a kid potty! but i would at least wait until  he turns 18 months to introduce it and get the idea of going potty instead of the diaper! i am hoping to have my gilr potty trained by next summer so she will be 2 1/2 and also girls are eaiser to train than boys so good luck on starting now!

  4. All kids are different. I have 3 that are potty trained..all at different ages. My oldest son was 3.  His younger brother was 2.   I tried not to push the issue because sometimes they will be trained for a while and then regress. I got a training potty and left it in the living room, and my younger son told me when he was ready. I hope this helps...

    good luck :)

  5. as soon as they start not liking the wet diaper ..and rip it off they are ready ..thats the sign

  6. You can start introducing him to the potty now! All kids go at different ages. One of my boys started before he turned three, while the other was 3 and a half almost when he finally go it. There is not certain age on teaching them, all you can do is start introducing them and he will let you know when he is ready to go!

  7. There is no particular age. My kids started at a different age to use the potty. My suggestion is to buy a potty and see if your son would be interested in it. You can also buy one of those potty training videos my kids really enjoyed them.

  8. You can start now.  both of mine were done before they were 15 months for the most part.  when you wake up in the morning, put him on the kiddie toilet, let him sit there until he pees, when he does make a big deal out if it.  maybe make a game of it.  then start putting him on the seat several times a day.  you can start potty training as soon as they can sit up. just don't punish him if he messes up, not too severly at least, maybe show him that you prefer him to use the potty, and everytime he does make a ridiculously huge deal out of it.  i am sure he will appreciate it, and you will save a ton of money, and mess!! Good luck... remember lots of patience!!

  9. you know, they did a study that showed that whether a parent was starting the potty-training early or late, most kids became potty-trained around 3 yrs. of age. What is the rush? I think by constantly hammering on this theme at a young age is bad because it's so negative and you might be expecting control that the child is not even physically capable of yet. Why instill anxiety and a sense of failure in a baby like that? Just take a relaxed approach, it will happen when it happens. I started trying when my son was closer to three and had no problems, probably because he was just ready for it.

  10. You can start him as early as you want to, there is no set time. People have been known to potty train newborns!! (not that I would be trying that one!!)

    If you feel you want to, go for it!

  11. you could probably start now

    i mean like tell him that he should start

    going to the 'big boy potty' now instead

    but make him still wear a diaper

    but start teaching him the basics

    so he will learn faster

    so if you start teaching him the basics now

    he will probably learn before the end of this


  12. Yes, you can start now. Your son is an ideal candidate for potty training since you know when he has to go. The new trend is to start younger.

  13. 2 years old at the earliest.  If he can tell you has to potty before he actually does it ( alot of babies want their butts changed as soon as they go in the diaper but that isn't a sign), pull his own pants up and down and he can tell when he has to go and stays dry for 2 hrs.
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