
Seriously need help, how can i hide this?

by  |  earlier

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okay so, in a nutshell. I need to get three seperate packages, to my house on three seperate days, without my mother knowing ANYTHING about it.

heres the dilema; i'm having three promotional gift boxes delivered, but they arn't the sort of thing you let you parents know you have, its more for the bedroom if you get me. Anyway, in a few days a woman is going to phone and arrange an address for delivery, my mother works from 9-5, with an hours lunch break at 12. I can't get it delivered with any of the neighbours, nor at my boyfriends house or at a friends. I was also wondering if i ask my local garage and say that it is a present for my mam that she cant see would they take it in? also, whether postal packages come in normal plain brown boxes or do they have the company names etc on the box? with an photos or anything. I really need help with how i'm going to get these into my house..




  1. Can't you just be at the house when they get delivered?

  2. get it al devivered to friend or other family  defo,  or local co...

  3. Wow, maybe you don't need this stuff until you don't have to worry about someone finding out...

    The garage idea might work, if they know who you are.  Other than that, I'm not sure there's a solution to your dilemma.

    Most companies that ship that kinda stuff are pretty good about no pictures or labels on the shipping boxes, but you may be getting mail from them for years.

  4. For certain kinds of packages the company usually sends them in brown, plain packages, with an address on the outside that (unless you order yourself) you don't know what or who it is. Usually a company will tell you (if you order from their website, for instance) that they will send it unmarked, and perhaps for a small fee.  If you get packages that are plain you don't have to worry so much about hiding it. Unless of course, your mother opens your mail for you. Otherwise, you still have quite the dilemma. Too bad it's not your mom's birthday--then you could just tell her up front not to look at the packages--it'd be easy to hide.

  5. If you're ordering from LoveHoney then that comes in plain packaging, with just "LH Trading" as the return address.

    If it comes by Royal Mail then make sure no one answers the door. They will stick a card through your door letting you know they've been and how to pick it up. You can then go to the post office and pick it up at your leisure.

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