
Seriously need help!????? PLEASE?

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I'm in my 11th week of pregnancy and single. I was was dating my babys father for 8 months and we stopped talking 2 days before i became pregnant. Since he learned of my pregnancy he's started dating his ex girlfriend. I've decided to keep the baby b/c i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i didn't. I know the remorse would haunt me. Also, i feel i need to take responsibility for my actions. I didn't want to pick the cop out route and have an abortion. Anyways, his mother found out some how (he doesn't know she knows) (he's 20, im 23). She's furious with me telling me that im going to ruin his llife and that my baby is going to be miserable. that i'll be ruining his future and that he'll hate me forever for forcing him to have a child he doesn't want. that really hurt b/c i want to do everything possible in my power to make my baby happy. i want to be a great mother and be there for my child. she keeps saying i'll regret it forever... advice pls......




  1. Don't listen to her. She is wrong. Because I am single mom of two boys and they are happy and seem doing good without their father in their lives. If she keeps bugging or stalking you then you can call the police or get a restraining order on her. your baby be happy no matter want. And you can file child support on him and it would be court order has well. You never regret it sure I never did. Right now he being a jerk..

  2. Well I think that the Mother should  mind her own business and let her 20 year old son grow up.  You and he are adults and you can do whatever you choose and if you love this child you will not regret anything and either will the father and if he doesn't want to be part of it well you got the best part of him growing inside  you.

    It will be hard to raise a child on your own but the love and bond you will feel with this baby is nothing that can even be described and will help you succeed in life and raising him or her.  Good Luck

  3. I think you should keep the baby. You didn't say if you work or not. A lot of women have had children that the fathers are not involved. It's not going to be the easiest time of your life but when you look back ten or twenty years from now, you will be glad you took this route. Forget about him and his mother. Tell them you're not looking for handouts. Find a job if you don't already have one.

    If you don't have health insurance,check with the Department of human services to get medicaid.  Draw closer to God by praying to him. He always answers prayers and helps us when we're in trouble. Find people you can talk to. Everybody needs some sort of a support system. I wish you all the best. All things are possible to them that believe. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    And guess what? Your ex might later be interested in your child. People are like that when you don't pressurise them. But don't hold it against him if he wants to be a part of the child's life later.

    Anyways, wishing you the best of luck. You might want to check out .

  4. I think she's a biiitch and she needs to get over herself. He's a big boy that can stand up for himself and it takes two to tango. Just ignore her. You are doing a beautiful thing and you're a strong person. Good luck! =)

  5. she is a biiitch and he is a piece of c**p. good for you for wanting the best for this child. and good for you for wanting to take responsibility for your actions. ignore what they're saying. focus on yourself and on the baby. when the baby is born, drain him of every penny you can just to spite him and and his mother. if he didn't want to have kids, he shouldn't have began having s*x. i was in the same situation with my first child. his 'sperm donor' begged me to have an abortion, i wouldn't. he's seen my son maybe twice since he was born 7 years ago. i have pursued child support, just to spite him, and haven't succeeded because he can't seem to hold a job long enough. men like this are the scum of the earth and shouldn't have gained access to a baby making tool if they couldn't deal with the consequences. since then, i met, had 1 and 1/2 (am pregnant) and became engaged to a wonderful man. he has been my eldest son's father since the day he came into our lives. good luck to you and your precious child. if you need someone to talk to or just want to vent, please feel free to email me!!

  6. She's just being a nosey old ****** and trying her hardest to make you feel like c**p so you will make her sons life easier an not have the baby!

    s***w them both i say... he either needs to take responsability for his child and pay you child support when baby is born or keep it in his pants if he's to much of a pansy to deal with consequences as for his mum ignore her...your not having a baby with her she's no relation to you so there is really no need to listen to her or take on board anything she says ofcourse she is going to say things like this to you shes trying to protect her son!

    Next time just try mentioning to her that since the baby would "ruin his life blah blah blah....."  then there is no need for him or her to contact you or try having contact with your baby just totally cut them out of the picture, You dont need negative people like that around your children anyways!

    Good Luck with baby!

  7. Look, I think you making the responsible thing..

    I think her son is a no good for nothing and needs to take the same responsiblities...

    He played he pays...

    I really look up for you for keeping this child, becuz this child didnt ask to be put there...alot would just go off and get a abortion to only throw there kid in a garbage can...

    Who cares what they think and say! That baby is a true gift from GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And she is rude for even saying such things.!

    dont let them hurt you. Stay away from them. you can do this by urself, even if you need to collect some help from the welfare. and make sure he pays support.

    Wish you the very best!

  8. Stay far far far away from that woman. You don't need any of that c**p. Did you force him to have s*x with you? Prob not so you are not forcing him to have a baby. Though I firmly believe that a baby deserves two parents I believe more that a baby deserves life. If you want to be a great mom than you can do it. I was raised by my single mom for most of my life. Though my parents were married when I was born, my father was never really that and after the divorce he wanted nothing to do with us. My mom did a great job and when she remarried, that man adopted us and he is my dad.

    You are going to have to make so discussions. Like weather or not you want to fight him for child support. If you don't care about any of that than don't even put him on the birth certificate. Just remember if you do that you have no rights to anything from him. But it will make some things easier when you move on with life. Good Luck

  9. dont listen to what she has to say....if she is still like that after the child is born, then dont even let her see him, it will be her loss, there are so many moms out there who are doing a wonderful job raising their children single handedly and i am sure you will be one of them, good luck!!

  10. for as bad as it sounds just cut him and his horrible mother off. if you can afford it forget about him. If he doesn't want this baby he doesn't deserve to have him. Give your surname to the child and keep him away from these disgusting people. They say that a child needs two parents but at what price? I'm sure you will be a perfect mom to him, you already are for keeping him. -that woman wouldn't be a good grandmother anyway- look at her soon. Be strong for the baby :) and good luck. remember he's not the only man in the world. You can find someone else to take care of you two.

  11. His mother is poison and by the sounds of her, probably didn't do such a bang up job raising her son.  Sorry to say, but it looks like you're on your own.  There are certain women out there who weren't meant to be mothers and they do a terrible job of raising sons.  These deficient sons wreck havoc on the world.  It's important you don't continue the cycle.  

    Welcome to world of single motherhood.

  12. If you want to keep the baby, then keep it. Your 23 and you will be a great mother with or without the father or his mother. You wont regret it, they will. Trust me... when they ever see that baby, you can bet they will want to be in that child's life. If your heart says to keep it, then do so my dear. Please don't make any contact with the mother, she would only stress you out and belittle you, you don't need that. Your smart and would be an excellent mommy. God bless you and your baby.

  13. omg! what a cow, dont listen to anythin she says, tell her "it takes two to tango and just because your son isnt mature enough to live up to his responsibilitys doesnt mean im goin to get rid of my baby!" you wont regret it! theyre are plenty of single mums who do a great job! dont let her get you down, because no matter what she says, your goin to have this baby, and be a great mother! Congratulations!x*x

  14. Why would you let her run your life for you? Look at the son she raised and how he turned out- this is not the person I would be taking parenting advice from. You do what is right for you, and make sure you get support ordered from him once the baby is born.

    Good luck

  15. Don't listen to her! This isn't her child, it's yours. If you want to keep the child, keep it! No one can make this desecion for you. She is probably upset about being a grandma anyway because it will make her feel old. ;)

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