
Seriously need help or support?

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OK well today would had to be th worst day of my life...I have a beautiful g/f and would do nething for her and 1yr1mth old daughter that i love to death..well here is the problem i finally got up the courage and went out to a place where i knew my g/f was staying with her friend and she was with another she told her friend she didn't want to be with that guy that she wanted to be with me but she had cheated on me with that guy four days ago and also i find out that the second child she is carrying is more likely that guys...i don't kno what to do i mean i love this girl to death and my daughter and i would do my best to help her with the other child as if it were my own but i have been unable to sleep all night and have been trying to figure out what to if u could let me kno what u would do in this situation?




  1.   Dude! No offense, but are you kidding? Look, if she did it more than once already, she sure h**l will do it again. Her being there with that guy just proves it. She is playing you for a d**n fool! You keep paying for everything and she lives high on the hog and knows she has you wrapped around her finger.

      Unwind yourself from around her finger and kick her to the curb, then go after your child, assuming it really is yours and not someone elses. Because she obviously isn't fit to be a mother and you don't want your child raised around a woman that cheats at every turn.

    I mean if you stay with her. How are you going to feel one day when your daughter slips up and tells you that her and mommy had a great day because uncle so and so came over and she like him more than uncle such and such?

  2. well i was in a similar situation as your girl.  I had a 2 year old, was pregnant and just couldnt make up my mind on what i wanted so finally I gave in and straightened up to the guy who didnt care and wanted nothing more then to just  be with me and make me happy.  It might sound selfish but, hey, everyone has to find a way to make it work for them.   I would suggest to give the chick and ultimatum and tell her you love her and want to be with her no matter what but you will not tolerate being made a fool of.........hope that was helpful.  (oh and by the way, I am happily married to the guy who gave me an ultimatum)

  3. Move on - she's proven she can't be trusted. If she files for child support - demand a paternity test for the unborn child.  

  4. Either forgive or move on

  5. We can't tell you what to do. Only give guidence or opinions. So be carefull what you do.

    Here is mine:

    1) you will have to confront her one way or another. You must make her understand that you WILL NOT stand for this type of unfathfulness. If there is a question of who the father is, then you may need to verify by a DNA check...

    2) You must also understand that you are not going to be able to change her. The only person that can is her, and she has to want to change...

    3) Finally... This becomes a trust issue...and trust is one of the hardest things to regain in a relationship once it is broken. You must look inside the relationship and see if you can trust her ever again... If you can not it is time to leave, and stay gone... I understand that you love her, but If you can not trust her you will live to regret being attached to her after a year or so, or you will constantly be looking over your shoulder to catch her being bad... Both of you WILL BE Miserable.

    I hope this helps, but the only other advise I can give is to pray, and dont rush into anything... search your heart, and ask questions... It will not be easy if you stay, or if you go...

    Good Luck

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