
Seriously one good reason not to vote for Obama. ?

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Don't tell me about the so-called lack of experience because there have been PLENTY of other Presidents with even less experience who did just fine. Also during their run I didn't hear any of this strong opposition. I really hate to call everyone racists but I have yet to her one good argument I can't end in seconds. So just go ahead and say it's because he's black. Or are there really any good reasons. Clinton was going through a bunch of The Whitewater scandal and numerous allegations of affairs yet you all loved him. Obama has none of this. So what is the deal?




  1. He's a sexist. He only talks about advancing women. McCain did it.

  2. His policies.

    Don't try to tell me what to say or think.  Are are far too under qualified to go that route.

  3. one good reason, INFANTICIDE

  4. i do not agree with any,ANYof his policies.this is nothing but failed policies from jimmy carter.

  5. i have none

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  6. I can't think of any reasons.  I think you are right on point.  Lets see if anybody answers honestly.  I doubt it.  No one wants to let people know they are racist, sexist,or homophobic.  

  7. The best reason to not vote for the b*****d is OBAMA himself.

  8. I agree. Every time I see people say "he will raise my taxes", I always look at my leave and earnings statements every month. The big thing I always notice is that my tax rate seems to never drop. I make under 50K a year, and have never seen a tax break. Where is it? You people that think McCain will drop taxes are completely blind.  

  9. There are many who will attempt to hide their bigotry by coming up with "ANYTHING UNDER THE SUN" to justify that said bigotry.

    It's truly sad!

  10. He wants to control who can male money and who cant ie His plans to raise the capital gains tax and also stealing money from the oil companies and sending checks to who he feels deserves them.

  11. I'm from Illinois, and I don't see one thing he has done for us.  Why should the rest of the US get nothing too?  He's all talk, BUT his talk is pretty, isn't it?

  12. Sarah Palin.

  13. Socialism

    Higher taxes

    no real plan

    Oh I'm sorry you only asked for one.Too bad there are so many.

  14. He did not make a well-deserved person his VP.

    Hillary Clinton.

  15. He has never done anything in the past to make me believe that he will keep any of his promises. Just words!

  16. No, there has NEVER in the history of this country been a president with less political experience than Obama. Name one.

    #2 With his connections to terrorist William Ayers, the man who bombed NYC police station and the Pentagon with the intent to kill and mame innocent people and who's girlfriend died from a bomb he built, Obama would never be able to obtain the security clearance necessary to become a janitor and clean the toilets of the capital building. And you want this man in the white house?

    #3 He is a liar. Google "Obama Lies" and you will find a very long, very true laundry list of items he has outright lied about to the American public with the intent to misguide us.

  17. Radicalman,

    1. His socialist views on redistribution of wealth.

    2. His plan to bankrupt the US with healthcare.

    3. His associations with Ayers, Wright,

    4. His statement in "Audacity of Hope" that when political winds shift, he will stand with the Muslims.

    5. And his lack of leadership.

    Those are highly significant reasons.


  18. He indulges our people in their victim mentality. It's all the white mans fault why we're poor, uneducated and violent. How about us making our children read a book, make black men take responsibility for conceiving out of wedlock babies, the AIDS epidemic in our community, and black men acting like MEN! According to Obama it's not our fault. Oh, and he was Chicago's representative for what 5 seconds before he abandoned his constituents and started running for another office. He hasn't sat still long enough to COMPLETE or ACCOMPLISH anything for anybody.  

  19. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it.  Yes, lack of experience, and he has already changed his mind on drilling for oil here in the U.S. & on Nuclear energy.  His big plans keep changing because he knows he can't produce all this change that he has promised.....McCain in '08

  20. Hes a socialist. He wants to do away with our entire military not just getthem out of iraq. What a genius idea, we will be in great shape when Russia, N. Korea or China comes to kick our *** and make us a third world country.  

  21. People Raise taxes for big business and lower taxes for middle class. Rising taxes are not always bad it just matter who ever will be getting the taxes. Make sure you know all the candidates is going to do before making a chioce in because that how the republican party gets you ever time.

  22. A reason 'not' to vote for him is a baited question. The real question is, give me a reason to vote for him. There is no reason not to vote for anyone.. except, maybe, you have to pick up your clothes at the dry cleaner that day. What I'm lacking is a reason to vote for him. All I see is a rank and file liberal with standard liberal ideas.

  23. I can't say policies because he's the same as  Clinton?  That's one of the

    better reasons not to vote for him.

    How 'bout this---because he's  a  mutherphucking liar.

    That 'bout do it for ya ?

  24. Well I'm with you on the Clintons I've never liked them.

    The reason for me not to vote for Obama Isn't his skin color(people forget he's half white also) I mean I wanted Rice to be McCain's vp.

    I just don't agree with his very liberal stands on abortion and things of that nature and that he'll hand over our army to united nations...that's a great idea not!

  25. hes black?

    oh sorry but thats the only other reason. Obama is not sexist as he plans to bring equal pay and respect to women.

    Its only the old women who think hes sexist .... and you know why....

  26. You may like Obama and what he is promising you , but at the end of the day is can you deep down TRUST him with his shaky past and a unproven record ?

    I do not believe he can unite white Americans and will drive a deeper divide between blacks and whites. Neither Obama or McCain have a good program to get America out of debt and on the way to recovery.

  27. i like obama.and will vote for him.

    .but it would be nice if he showed up for work in the senate once in a while..

    the times he did show up he didn't vote yes or no..

    he just votes present..

    that is one thing i have trouble with

  28. How about the fact he never earned his check as Senator? When I voted for him, he ran on veterans issues. Especially since Illinois veterans were at the bottom of the nation on compensation for service connected injuries. Since being elected he has been on a self promoting book tour, and ran for the Presidency the last two. Illinois veterans are still at the bottom. So tell me when did he do the job he was elected to do?

  29. he cant even produce a valid birth certificate his name is OBAMA that is said to be a muslim name  think about it  congress has 75% of what goes to the president before he can make it a law.

  30. California

    8th largest economy in the world

    Democrats s***w it up then bring in an uneducated, no experience republican to fix it up.

    What do you think the Democrats will do the entire country's economy? Until a Democrat can prove he can handle a state economy, they shouldn't be in charge of the US economy.

  31.   In appoximately 12,505 days as a US Senator Mr Obama has spent exactly a mere 147 days serving us the citizens. 147 days ! Thats it! He has the worst record as far as absenteism and has been awarded the dubious distinction of haveing the most liberal voting record. Hes written no major pieces of legislation and has voted present more times than the number of days he has served in the Senate.  Now what do you think ? Just who does Mr Obama serve? Himself or you?

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