
Seriously - what's wrong at Collingwood?

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The free-to-air commentators were into the question but they were making lame excuses like block-busteritis ... has Micky paid these guys off?

My theory is Micky is a pricky and is making people unhappy over there. Perhaps, just perhaps, Micky is one of these incredibly hard task masters who can get the most out of a team for a little while but basically he burns everyone out and pisses them all off .... we've all had a boss like that haven't we?




  1. It is no use me commenting further here as I agree 100% with what you say!

    He id exactly the same at the Eagles. There were not many sad to see him go.

  2. Collingwood had a bad day at the office today.

    They were outpointed by a team of adolescents, mainly, who wanted the points more than Collingwood did. Apart from Hille, Fletcher and Lloyd, Essendon's good performers were novices.

    In the one quarter where Collingwood actually put in an effort relevant to how good they actually are, they clawed their way back, but then relaxed again. Yes, Dale Thomas and Dane Swan stood up, and Didak had flashes of stardom, and Neon Leon took a couple of good marks, but as a TEAM they were about as coordinated as John Howard doing barre gymnastics.

    I always enjoy Essendon v Collingwood, but I was disappointed that the Woods seem to have lost interest in performing well EVERY week - which is one of the secrets of Geelong's success, and I hope my Bombers can emulate them.

  3. I don't know Quandry, that's what I'm wondering too.

    All I know is, they better perk up or they won't make finals!

    Danni: It's Strauchnie, not Scorny...??

  4. My theory is Micky is a pricky and is making people unhappy over there. Perhaps, just perhaps, Micky is one of these incredibly hard task masters who can get the most out of a team for a little while but basically he burns everyone out and pisses them all off

  5. **Malthouse needs to stop blaming other things and look at his players.  I don't think Collingwood as good as they think they are, just because they beat Geelong by 80 odd points, it's their only claim to fame this year.**

  6. you all just love to hate collingwood don't ya...let me explain it this way then so as there'll be no mistaking it ok...where as all the other teams of the afl are just that,teams pagan teams,collingwood is a religion...the 1 true religion...thats why we believers always stay true in our support,unlike you fickle non believers...teams will come and go(mabey your team)but collingwood will always be...have a bad life INFIDELS!!!...LOSERS!!!

  7. Collingwood have been running to hot-and-cold through out this season. I think when they had that massive win over Geelong (as if Geelong even deserved to win that game, even though I'm a devoted Cat's fan...). Collingwood have done nothing but stuff up my tips. I was tossing up between Essendon or Collingwood and I thought that maybe because of Collingwood's loss to the Roo's, they may have one. Another tip down the drain I  suppose...

  8. I agree though. Collingwood needs a new coach.... but then again who will want to coach THEM???

  9. haha u need scrorny!!!!...i think he might be able to challenge a few players for their spots.. haha

    but maybe u should look at ur players first before the coach..cos even if u sack malthouse it aint gonna get better.

  10. i think malthouse needs to go time for a new attitude

  11. Well collingwood suck more everyday


    You'll see the other teams better watch out for them soon the young guns we'll kick some but!


  13. Bahaha Great game yesterday right?

    Bahahahahahah In Mick Malthouse's Ugly face.

    Collingwood isn't getting worse Essendon is just getting better =)

  14. every thing wrong with collingwood afl afl suck as well

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