
Seriously whats going on?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i haven't had a period since may 25 2008.some weeks ago when i whip it had a tiny tiny bit of blood now my breast r really sore my nipples had got a little big almost look puffy. Saturday i had some minor aches in my lower abdominal around my pelvic area every time i get up from sitting or laying then when i wake up in the morning my legs(inner thigh ) r aching really bad an I'm also very tired when i wake up an all day @ work even riding in the car i get really sleepy.oh yea an I'm also very bloated I took a pregnancy test today an it was a BFN what is going on




  1. urinating  often, bloaty and sore nipples can be a symptom of pregnancy. though if test is negative, then it is amenorrhea.

    are you on a regular period or irregular?

    amenorrhea have lots of causes:diabetes, thyroid deficiency, depression, lack of ovulation due to the pill or deprovera, could cause delayed menstruation, insufficient hormone production, polycystic ovaries and sometimes even tumors.

    i suggest to consult a medical expert soon.

    please read in this link for more info:-)

  2. Im not sure what bfn means but take another in the morning and if nothing go to the doctors asap!

  3. if it was negative you need to see a doctor you could be having other problems, not a pregnancy.

  4. i swear you sound just like me a few weeks ago.......i went to the doc and sure enough, i'm pregnant.  i would go to the docs to make sure.  and if you havent had a period in that long, you might be farther than you think.  go asap.

  5. If you haven't had a period in 3 months and are getting a negative on your home pregnancy test, the logical thing to do would be to see a doctor. They can do a blood test to confirm that you are not pregnant and then investigate your symptoms further to find a cause.

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