
Seriously wondering if I need help (therapy)

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I cant trust men. I know alot of women will agree with this feeling but I really cannot trust my Fiance and he has done nothing to warrent me feeling this way, its gotten so bad it has split us up, and although I love him to pieces I need to sort my head out first before I can get back with him..

I've been let down by men most of my life, family/friends/relationships and I was fine, it didnt seem to have any effect on me. But for the last 18 months it has been ridiculous and I just cant trust men.

Any ideas what I could do to help solve this issue? Its really getting me down, and especially my fiance.. well ex.

Please help x




  1. A problem that is affecting your life so significantly, needs more attention than what anyone can tell you here. I would definitely suggest therapy. It is really the best way to get to the core of your trust issues and learn different tools to cope with it. With some help from a professional, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to tackle this problem so it doesn't adversely affect you and your fiance.

    The good thing is that trust issues are not uncommon so there are plenty of tools and outlets you can use to get this issue under control.

    Good Luck to you.

  2. I think you know yourself best.  If you think you need help, you should get some help.  You have a lot on your mind.  Therapy will help you begin to sort things out.  Take care of yourself.  Best Wishes.

  3. What makes you think you should trust men? All the guys I know would cheat in a heartbeat if they thought they had the slightest chance of not getting caught.  

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