
Serlf defence, dealing with principal?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, i was in class, and i was about to get stabbed, i choked the kid and when the teacher saw me, i was choking him, she thinks i started it, does anyone reccomend a way to prevent a suspencion or prove it was self defence?

btw, they have a policy, if you fight back your also suspened




  1. Take the suspension while maintaining it as self defense (you can't get out of it. You're up again leviathan on that one) and file a grievance with the school district to have the suspension removed from your record. That's about all you can do. Anyone who tells you to walk away is being unrealistic -- never turn your back on someone who has shown the intent to do you harm. It's ridiculous the way some people have this attitude that you shouldn't fight back -- "Well, you should have just let him stab you, then he could have gone to jail, had three square meals a day and an hour for exercise..."

    The one thing I learned pretty early on was that if you have to get into a fight on a school campus, make it look like whatever you did was an accident. Then you can absolutely swear that you didn't do anything, you just moved, and he fell. I got caught one time with a kid on the ground and everyone thought I was helping him up. Be careful and don't do anything to encourage an attack in the first place.

  2. In most school fights you are out of luck.  Think about it from the school's perspective.  When two kids are fighting, there is absolutely no way for the teacher or principal to determine who started it.  Both kids will swear up and down that they were just defending themselves.  Witnesses are not reliable, as many will lie to protect their friends.  So what should the school do?  Let them get away with fighting, which would only encourage more students to fight?  No, the least unfair option is to punish both students.  

    If you are threatened by someone at school, you should walk away and report it immediately to the nearest school employee if you want to avoid getting in trouble.  If you are truly attacked with no chance to walk away, of course you should defend yourself, but unfortunately you might be punished for it.

    P.S.  If the other guy had a knife, it should be pretty easy to show you were the victim!  If he was caught with the weapon he will most likely get expelled, and possibly arrested.

  3. where there witnesses?did the teacher see the weapon you were allegedly going to be stabbed with?why wern't the police called if there was a bladed weapon involved?why arn't your parents dealing with this?are you telling lies?

    this is a serious situation if there was a bladed weapon involved.

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