4 weeks ago my doctor put me on a combination of Cymbalta (SNRI)60mg and tramadol 100mg. After becoming "sicker" I stopped both on my own. My doctor attributed my symptoms of feeling worse to worsening depression and fibromyalgia. On Tuesday she had me restart and increased both meds to 90mg Cymbalta and 200mg tramadol and encouraged me to give both a chance to work this time. After the increase, I felt worse than ever and I thought I was going to die for 3 days but my doctor again attributed my symptoms to worsening depression and fibromyalgia. Yesterday, I insisted she switch my meds and she agreed to switch me to Pristiqu another SNRI and told me to continue with the tramadol 200mg. Last night I was reading the info sheet that came with the new med (Pristiqu). It said that Pristiqu or any SNRI (Cymbalta) should NOT be taken with tramadol due to a risk for developing serotonin syndrome. I decided to only take the Pristiqu until I could talk to my dr on Monday. I feel a little better today but not well or perfect. I researched serotonin syndrome on the web today and it sounds quite serious. I had every symptom of serotonin syndrome, except for coma.
If I only take the Pristiqu will I be OK till Monday or should I stop all meds?
Should I go to an Urgent Care or ER or will I be ok till Monday when I can speak with my doctor?