
Serval cats as pets?

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are servals legal as pets in GA?




  1. I am unsure if it is legal or not but why would you consider having several of any animal.  To me that is neglect.

  2. Before considering a serval, you have to take a few things into consideration.

    1) These cats are very, very vocal. They love to talk.

    2) They're very playful and very active. If left alone, they will get into a lot of trouble

    3) They're big. Do you have room for a cat that's the size of a medium dog and loves to climb?

    4) It can be dangerous to declaw them... it's dangerous for animals like servals to be declawed.

    5) Do you have a backyard? They need room to play

    6) Do you have children? These type of cats aren't pets. They are wild animals and will behave like wild animals.

    7) Would you be willing to take a class on Big Cats? Get training to learn how to raise them.

    8) Would you be willing to move? It is illegal to keep servals in GA

    They are considered Zoo animals at best and you must have training, room and a liscense before you'll even get a chance to have one as a pet in GA. You'd need to start your own zoo and they would need to be properly housed in a habitat suited for a wild animal.

    If you really want the Big Cat look, try a Bengal! Or a toyger  
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