
Serving in a Restaurant...Trays and Plates??

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Sometimes we won't have a (fold out) table to set the tray onto which is usually heavy!! (serving in a restaurant)


1) What's the best way to pour water/coffee into a glass (both on the tray that's on your shoulder because you can't put it on either table)??

2) Is there a technique for holding them, besides using your shoulder, other techniques??

3) What's the best technique for serving food (besides taking the heaviest/closest off first)?

4)Any techniques 4 those I work with who are SHORT n have a hard time (because the space between each table is a little non-existent) and they can't rest the tray on their shoulders because of their height and if they did they might hit a customer or drop the tray, and because it's heavy?

please take these questions serious, sometimes/most of the time we have to do this




  1. 1st ? :Pre pour the coffee. Are they mugs or cups w/saucers?  You can fit over ten cups of coffee if you stack the saucers in the center or more towards your side. If thats to many, take less. Practice w/cups of water to find out how many you can handle.

    2nd ?: Whatever arm you are your balancing with, use that elbow & brace it w/your hip bone. It keeps you from straining while distributing.  

    3rd ?: Thats tricky!! But not so hard w/practice. You have to imagine what the center point of balance would be after the next plate you pick up before you pick it up.  

    4th  ?: Take the arm you always carry with & reach over your head like your reaching for the ceiling light bulb. Try it again w/an oval tray thats empty. Try it again w/a couple plates & walk around w / it. Always establish the center point of balance w / it over your head before walking. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

  2. I am always amazed at servers who can carry 4 plates full of food in their hands, resting on their forearms.  That is a skill, have you tried that?

    I was always taught to pour coffee into the mug as the mug sits on the table and not let the patron hold the mug incase it spills and you burn them.

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