
Setter or outside hitter?

by Guest64174  |  earlier

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i hate to be another person to ask for position help, but i really cannot decide between being a setter or an outside hitter.

i am about the same level in both skills and i really do like both.

my team needs both a good setter and a good OH. there are only a few girls who can hit on my team and i am one of them. there is one jv girl that can set well during peppering, but i am worried she may not be ready to play in games if i chose to be an OH.

i'm relatively short, around 5'1, but i have a nice vertical, enough for my hands to reach over a girl's net and block.

i've played both positions in games, and i do enjoy both.

what do you think?




  1. For the team, you may play 6-2 so that you can set AND hit as OH.

    For your own career, you'd better focus on playing as a setter, unless you can grow taller (forgive me if you think my straight-forward statement is "rude"). Playing (keep playing) 5-1 would make you a better setter.

  2. have prob. heard this soo many times but you are to short to be an OH

    work on setting

  3. if your 5'1 colleges won't like you as a hitter but you'd probably be a great setter with that height

  4. Ask your coach if you can do a 2 setter rotation so that when you are in backrow you set, and when you are in front row you hit, then when the JV girl is in back row she sets and in front row she hits.. that way she is slowly getting game with you and her sharing the setting..

    After so much of that you can either continue or her take over at setting and you hit offside or the other way around

  5. well you can actually be both a setter and the outside hitter until the other girl is ready to play in the games talk to your coach about that

  6. Depending on your rotation, you can play both, that is exactly what i did. I'm 5'2'' and had the same problem. My team decided to do the 6-2 rotation and i got to play both positons, it was a win- win situation.

  7. Sorry to break it to you, but you are to short for an outside hitter.  You should stick with setting there is more future in it for you.

  8. Sorry, but you are too short to be a hitter at the varsity level, so you should concentrate on setting so have have a chance of playing varsity at some point.  The hitters at the high school where I teach are all 5'9" and above, and from what I've seen of other schools, that is pretty standard.

  9. Well I would say OH just because it is a whole lot a fun, however if you are only 5' 1" maybe you should be setter. I am 5' 9" and have a hard time getting coaches to play me as OH or MB. Just work hard on whatever you want to be. Who knows? You could become one of the best hitters... I however say your best bet is to become setter, you'll go farther with it.

  10. Height is an issue, true. Try learning to be a right side hitter, often referred to as weak side. This position not only hits, but acts as a back-up setter in a 5-1 rotation, which is more typical at higher levels. If you can block, and you say you can, this would be a position to consider. If however you end up just tipping the ball more than actually blocking, stick to setting.

  11. I have also played both and I prefer setter. I don't know why but I like a lot more, it's kind of like being the quarterback in football.

  12. first just because your short doesnt mean you cant be a good OH. your coach will probably decide what you should be by what the other girls are doing or you could do both but just keep doing good and the coach will decide where he needs you to play.

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