
Setting in olympic or international volleyball

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I've just been watching the USA vs. Venezuela men's olympic volleyball and I was just curios about the setting. It doesn't seem like they call double contacts on setting...ever. Is setting for the Olympics or international ball way loose or I'm just imaging things. I am not ref but some of those sets come out with a ridiculous amount of spin, and I can't so how they wouldn't be double contacts. Just curious.




  1. It is more of a guideline that the referees are given.  If they are just standing there with a good pass and they double hit the set, they will be called.  If they are moving, it will probably not be called.  No one is there to watch the referees.  

    It is called tighter on the beach.  

    PS They are not allowed to wear jewelry either.  But you will notice that they are all wearing it.

  2. I play University vball and i am a setter as well, there are lots of times where the ball comes out of my or other setters hands that has a lot of spin. A few times it is becuase i make double contact but most other times it is my body is positioned and also because sometimes one wrist will have more power on the set even tho it is a single contact.

    And like Gordon I think said, when we are moving and making sets it is more difficult for us to keep the ball with no spin so in stead of killing the momentum of the game they keep it goin instead of callin every 2 or 3 point. It also may have to do with the pass. Some passes come with a ridiculous amount of spin and no matter how good a setter is it is very hard to stop that spin with your set, so some spin from passes can transfer to the set. And in beach if the ball spins at all then it is 2 hits.

  3. I am also currently watching, and i know a lot of doubles are called in my high school and club games, so I am thinking it may be some kind of international variation on the strictness of the rule, as there are many in basketball. It may also be the different style of ball that gives off the illusion of increased spin. That's the best I can do with that. I hope it helps

  4. I'm a volleyball referee and i don't know why they aren't being called.  

  5. I also noticed this. I know they are trying to improve the length of the rally's in indoor the refs are letting things like doubles and lifts slide although i am not quite sure if it is an official rule yet.  

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