
Setting in volleyball!?

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ia m not a very good setter on my v-ball team but i am a decent setter! but i want to improve myself is there some kind of techniwue maybe without usin a ball to improve my setting!! well thank yall for your help!




  1. heyy I'm a volleyball player, too so I know what your going threw.. I'm not a setter, but I'm a right side hitter and so I still needed to be able to set well just in case the setter got the first ball...

    There really isn't a way to get better at setting without practicing with the ball.. (not that I know of anyway..) This is what I do:

    -lay on your back as if you were going to do sit-ups.  staying on your back keep continously setting, and try to set the ball straight up.  If you're doing it right, your arms will get a little tired, but keep going and try to make all of the sets accurate.  The ball doesn't have to go super high.  Actually when you first start out, only let the ball leave your hands a few inches.  it will be tiring, but do it for a while.

    -You can also walk around your house setting the ball to yourself as you walk.  It's a good way to learn how to control the ball.

    -another great way to set well it to go against a wall and set the ball against the wall.  Just stand a foot away from the wall, and set the bal just above your head, and set it about 50 times in a row.  It may be tiring, but keep going! if it's too easy, do more than 50.

    -One other thing is that you can buy a volleyball specifically meant for getting better at setting.  I'm pretty sure it's just called a setter's ball.  If heavier than a regular volleyball, so it strengthens your hands a lot more. (if you don't want to spend mney on a setters ball, a great substitution is using a basketball)

    I hope I helped you!!! all of those things helped me a lot! just find some time to do it everyday, and soon your setting will be improved a lot - trust me  :o)

  2. You create a triangle with both your hands in the air. Then you push the ball kup with your fingertips. It is like raising your hand in class. Practice this techniquue and i am sure you will set better.

  3. Well forst to tell you, Im NOT a setter, im a hitter and i play back row. But my cousin is and shes tried to help me improve on my setting. So::::: here it is:

    use a regular ball at first if your not so good yet!

    •lie on your back and get someone to stand next to you.

      -then they drop the ball and you set it straight back up to them (note: they shouldnt have to move their feet)

      -do this 15-20 times.

      -then try to set it even higher [like, to their nose].

      -do this 15-20 times.

      -then try to get it even HIGHER [say, above their head.]

      -do this 15-20 times

      -then repeat all steps with a medicine ball when you star seeing imprvoment in regulat setting.

      -keep using a heavier ball untill you are satfied with your skill.

    hope this helps!


  4. you kinda have to pinch the volley ball but here this might help: put your hands on your wast fingers apart and put them on top of your forehead and then lift them up about 2 inches.

  5. The more your hands touch the ball the better the setter you will be. Setting is all about ball control and placement. Work on setting to yourself, three short sets then one high set in order to improve ball control. With teammates, work on outside, middle, and back sets. Once you have the basics down, you can begin to specialize into quick sets, shoot sets, and slides.

  6. practice setting a basketball and then when you set a volleyball it will seem much lighter so u can set it higher and farther................ thats what i did

  7. I'm not the best setter either but, u got to do it in a game! they way i practice setting is that i stand close to the wall and set it back and forth so the ball barley touches my finger tips. if the reason ur not getting the ball up high enough its probobly cuz u don't have enough strength in ur finger so u might want to try finger push ups which are REALLY hard ant first. i also practiced practiced and practiced. I play Libero/DS so i don't need to worry about setting. i hope this helped!

  8. you cannot practice without a ball.

    all yopu need to do is get a ball and pick a brick on the wall and then hit that brick everytime you set. jsut hit the spot every time. jsut keep setting it to whe wall over and over do it about 100 times.

  9. no- i do not believe there is an exercise you can do without a ball.

    but you can stand extremely close to the wall and barely touch the ball with your fingers.  do that like 100 times.

    you can also lay down and set the ball above your head gently.

    you could do both of these things indoors.

  10. If you havent been told already here is an example of a exercise for you.

    make a triangle wth your hands thumb to thumb, pointer to pointer  now look through it,  the point should be pointing up towards the top of your head and you should only be using your finger tips when coming in contact with the ball , now sit on your knees and practice setting the ball very close to your face but keeping it as low as possible and as light as possible.

    as a setter you should notice that there is no thud noise, actually very little noise when coming in contact with the ball and also that no matter how much the ball is spinning or how fast its coming at you, you should eventually be able to cause the ball to loose almost all of its spin once its touched your finger tips so it kind of just gliding towards your teamates preffered area after youve set it

    When I first started setting I got acrylic nails to make it so I had to use my finger tips and it gives you better dont want to brake a nail so it was a good tool.  try aiming into a basketball net from differnt angles on the court this is also a great practice method.

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