
Setting issues plz help!!?

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Whenever i am in practice, i set perfectly to all of my hitters. But, in games, i always double hit!! I dont know if i am just nervous or if I just suck? please give me advice!!!




  1. Many times when players double it's because of their follow-through. Make sure with every set you hold your position for a couple seconds. In games you might be pretty anxious so when you set you might be "stabbing" at the ball instead of following-through and finishing you set.

  2. obviously if u  hit good in practice, u dont suck!! dont be so negative abt yourself. ur probably just nervous so just dont concentrate so much on it and go out there and play VOLLEYBALL :)!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The problem might be that in practice you're having the balls tossed right to you so there is little movement required on your part to get to the ball and set it cleanly.  In a game situation you have to set from where the ball is passed and that may change all the time. This will improve (both the passes and your ability to set from anywhere) as you get more experience playing.

    One thing you can do to help this is to practice more game like situations at practice. Have the coach toss a free ball to your passers and then you set them from the pass.  There are several other progression drills that can be done to help you in game situations as well...I would discuss it with your coach and ask if you can have more game situation drills at practice.

  4. well if you get frustrated try bump setting for a while and then at home work on you setting against a wall or something

  5. well if you can set it perfect in practice then you dont suck! I think you are probably just nervous before the game find something that calms you down. maybe try setting against the wall or something!

  6. your nervous.

    sing songs in your head

    it really calms you down!

  7. I had that problem too! You just need to warm-up properly, to get your body ready, and when you're in a game, remember your techniques. I'm guessing it's the way you're getting ready to set. You're probably a lot more nervous or amped up during a game. You may push off of one foot, or push through the set unevenly, giving you a double hit.

    Staying balanced is key!

    Hope I helped!=]

  8. Beakers got the right idea here. I think what may be different from practice to games is movement. Are you beating the ball to the spot or are you catching up to it to set. You should always move fast, beating the ball so that you are under it to set it. More often than, if you are running while setting or not set and balanced, you will be called for double contact.

    As a coach, every single drill I run is game-like. Game translation is key. Try even transitioning from your defensive position during hitting lines. If your coach asks you what you are doing, just tell him/her that you'd like to work on your transition speed.

  9. i guess your just not in focus when playing...  a good setter knows where and when to hit the ball..  i want to share this techniques to you. bend you knees. shake your finger,and focus on the ball not on the spiker. hope it helps....

  10. Your probbaly just nervous. In a game set the ball, if the hitters dont like it well then s***w them!. Just keep setting the ball and try and have some quite time before a game so you dont get nervous. Also it helps if you say something positve in your head before the game starts or while your on the court. It works for me.

  11. OMG!! Setting is one of my MAIN problems!!!! it is SO complicated!!!! I am learning how to get better, but the first thing to learn is dont let everyone pressure you! I have been pressured and usually thats what gets me nervous.. So just take your time and learn at your own pace.... I'll let u know when i get the Setting right!!! LOL

  12. You might simply need a little more time to warm up before your real game.

    Try not to "make" plays, let the game come to you and make your sets more "natural" at the beginning of your game till you feel you have more control over the ball.

  13. warm up properly, you need to sweat.  just set it, don't try to be so perfect, it'll come.

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