
Setting up a Wireless Router?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so recently i bought a linksys WRT54G wireless router offline so I could get internet on my laptop. We have a modem connected to our home computer.

I'm really having trouble setting it up, so could someone give me STEP BY STEP directions, like kindergarten. I'm only 14, but I'm usually really good with tech stuff... but please, no techie terms, i'll just get way confused.

:) Thanks!




  1. Okay, here we go I am about your age so I will but it in "our" terms. First you need to get the instruction CD out of the box and put it into the computer then wait for it to load. Then follow the instructions on how to set-it-up. You should have the router plugged into the computer/modem at this point. Then it should work correctly but if it doesn't you might want to contact Linksys and they should help you if you have anymore complications.

  2. Hey, I just set up the same one myself on friday.

    Ok, you need to put in the CD that came with the router first.

    It should give you step-by-step instructions, but in case it doesn't here they are.


    1. plug in your wireless router

    2. unplug the wire coming from your modem to your computer.

    3. plug in the wire that came with the router into the router and the computer.

    4. plug the wire coming from the modem into the router.

    5. the Router program should now be testing the connection.

    6. Your internet should work now. If it doesn't refer to the router paper with troubleshooting tips.

    Hope I helped,

    -hoot- ;)

  3. I need more info,are you on a cable modem or a phoneline modem and can you get a modem router in one its much easier to set up!

  4. Read the instruction manual that came with it - that's what they are there for.

    but to log in to your router and turn on the wireless you type in in the address bar up there ^

    internet cable into the modem - then from the modem to the router input (internet) - then from the router to the computers.

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