
Setting up a pc server to host media files for my mac?

by  |  earlier

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So i have an old PC that I want to convert into a file share server. I would like to store my music and videos on this server, and access them on my macbook. So here are the questions

What is the best server software to use? MS server or Linux?

Is there a way for my mac to view this as an external drive, so it will work with my Itunes?

Can I plug in other USB devices into the server like my tv tuner so i can control it from my mac?




  1. The best server software to use is your preference although ... you don't need a Microsoft server operating system.  Just XP or vista is good.

    Your mac can view any MS or Linux share on the network and it will appear as a drive on your desktop.

    I'm not sure how your tv tuner works over the network but yes an MS and Linux computer can use USB devices.

  2. 1. MS Server. Works great.

    2. Yes, depending if the operating system can support iTunes. I'm not sure if it supports all operating systems.

    3. It depends if the old PC has USB 2.0 that your TV Tuner may only be compatible with.

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