
Setting up a small network at home, 2 wifi laptops, netgear Hub and a printer?

by  |  earlier

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Problem is setting up the printer.

We had a big PC in the corner with printer attached.

My daughter and myself now have laptops with wifi.

So I got a Netgear Hub and everthing worked fine.

Now we want to get rid of the Big PC..

Can we attach the printer to the hub directly..

If so.. How? what leads do I need or point me in the direction of where I can get info.

Thank you




  1. You will need to buy a print server to attach your printer to the hub directly.

    All the major vendors do one netgear, d-link, edimax; Here are some links

    Just ensure your existing printer is on the compatibility list

  2. Hi.. There are 2 ways of doing this, simply by getting what wires are on your printer and your router and connect it up then it should work. But if you have vista on your computers then go to network and make sure everything is connected and switch it on then go to add a printer then go to network printer thing and it should find it. email me if you hit any problems.. ill try to help Or the other option .. go to a pc shop and ask them for a wifi printer.. your pc can connect to it without even going through the router.

  3. Hi,

    There are loads of way's you can do this and different types of home style networks using a wireless rooter.

    The easiest way is to either have a printer

    1. Printer with wireless antenna and device attached

    2. Printer with a wireless USB dongle attached

    Email me if you would like it explained better

    (Link on My profile)


  4. Hi,

    Theres many options as to how to do it you can buy a print server and set it up this way.

    Or a simpler way would be to buy a network printer, lexmark now offer a range of printers which allow you to connect to them via wifi.

    But if you want a bargin then ebay's your best bet.

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