
Setting up aquarium for angelfish. Who wants 10 points?!?

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I'm not sure whether my tank is 10 gallons or 20 gallons, but I'd like to have 2-3 angelfish. From experience, list me everything you would purchase upon arrival at the pet store please! Angelfish aside, what are the bare necessities of a tropical fish tank? Basically make me a list that I can work with in one go to the pet store. Best answer gets 10 points!! THANK YOU!!! :):)




  1. First off remember the ratio of the size of fish per gallon;

    (one gallon of water for every one inch of full grown tropical fish.. for gold fish u add a gal per inch, due to amount of amnion)

    Angelfish are app 8" from top to bottom including fins 6" from nose to tail fin.

    ***Really a 35-40 is really the best if you have more than one angel or any other fish.. and u at least need a scavenger and algea eater.., but a 20 g is def the minimum requirement


    Parts List: (brand and min requirements below)



    •Gravel (natural stones/gravel is best. The colored gravel comes off over time)

    •Air Pump & Tubing



    •Water tester kit.. or pet smart will it for free

    •Food - tropical flakes, frozen food(must for angels esp. in u dont have room for a lot of plants) Blood Worms and Brine Shirmp (with Spinilla-should be green) used nightly or every other night Fresh Fruit depending on fish every could of days(see below)


    olive plants - biological filtration for new tanks but keep in mind swimming rm.

    o Make sure u have decor that allows for hiding for scavengers and at least one with air attachment


    1. Select Gravel.- (natural stones/gravel is best. The colored gravel comes off over time) Rinse the gravel (inst. typically on bag) the ratio for gravel is: 1.5 lbs per gallon;  should make about 2-3 in layer.  

    2. Fill 1/3 of tank with dechlorinated water (instant treatment is ok simply because there are no fish)

    3. Place rinsed decorations, plants (live ones are a ness. for angels - tip them in ice cold water to prevent snail infestation.)

    4. Finishing filling the tank with declohrinated water

    5. Place heater where water flow from filter will help mix water

    6. Set up filter following manf. directions.. i LOVE Marineland with Bio-Wheel (ur filter should be able to filter all water in tank 5-10 times per hour) See the three small circles on box for this information.

    7. Set up light and hood, (lights should be on no more than 8-12 hours a day

    8. run filter 24-48 hours and adjust heater to right temp for the fish u intend to add.


    1. Test: pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels... may be best to let pet smart test and show u how to read

    2. Add; only add 2-3 fish, but dont forget to let the fish float in bad for 8 -12 min to adjust. more fish in to tank.. technically u should more the fish in to a net and then put in tank so that the water they were in does not get in ur tank.. never done this i think it stresses the fish too much.

    3. Feed the fish two hours after putting them in. but then ONLY feed fish twice a day, and no more than they can eat in like 5 mins (fish ALWAYS swim to top when u walk by.. but dont over feed)

    4. After 48 hours.. retest water, then retest at least once week for a month after initial set up

    5. Six days after aquarium (before fish ever get put in) set up do a 10% water change and test levels again.



    1. 20-25% water change using "vacuum"

    2. wait a couple days then do filter maintenance... water change causes excess filter collection so dont waste a new filter (dont forget to wash out and clean all pieces of filter itself)


    1. You will also need a Cory catfish (to serve as scavenger)

    2. A small algae eater, ask and associate at the store which one is best for a small tank (the one i have in my 100gal is about 7in long.. def not for small tank. and keep in mind they really like raw zucchini at least 2-3 times a week, just cut it into small cube for smaller one. i put it in at night after i turn the light off and take it out in morning


    •TANK: NO smaller than 20 gal and no more than 2 angels in that small of a tank

    •DECOR: Rocks, driftwood and live plants, place on sides or on back  so Angles have enough swimming room in the center! Avoid decor with sharp edges.

    •FISH COMPATIBILITY: no highly aggressive fish, angels are version of cichlids so they can hold there own, but a fin nipper (ie Barbs) will stress the Angel and stress easily kills angels. Discus get alone with angels but they will destroy any live plant u have so they wont do either. Mollies, Gouramis (kissing ones our bullies but really neat never have two kissing gouramis in one tank tho), Loaches (clowns are really neat but need somewhere to hide!! and they eat snails if you end up with that infestation. Swordtails, Rainbow Fish and any Tetras are good mates.. and most tetras are small but pretty.. my angels killed my guppies...

    •WATER TEMP: Tropical community with water ranging from 78-86 degrees, but keep in mind other fish, and take the avg. but angles are temperamental...

    •OTHER NOTES ON ANGELS: They honestly arent they best "first timers fish" they stress easily, so if u really want one, make sure u tank is at the right temp and all levels are right, then buy the "largest" ones they have a better chance. Make sure tank is in low traffic area away from direct light or drafts.

    •ANGLES ARE: Shy Carnivores who are middle swimmers and classed as semi-aggressive....they will eat fish small enough to fit in mouth and need plenty of hiding spots.. big leafed plats are great for this too!

  2. Ok first of all you need all the basic supplies like:

         - Tropical food

         - Heater maybe 25 watts

         - Plants

         - Gravel

         - Filter a power filter is easier because you don't need to clean it as much.

         - Waste control, Cycle, Stress zyme(for when you put them in), Aqua plus for water changes every 2 weeks.

         - Gravel cleaning tube

         - Decorations

         Hope this helps.:)


  3. Neither 10 gal or 20 gal is really big enough for Angels.

    Before stocking any tank read about FISHLESS CYCLING.

    Join a fish keeping forum and get loads of great advice!


  5. ****the person above me said plants dont get real ones they can choke and die, dont get plants!!!!*******

    Tropical fish food,I use Tetra

    A heat filter, get a tank thermometer to, it should not be more than 82 degress.

    Pebbles/stones: angel fish need them to rub against for scale health, and they also act as a filteration and natural mineral supplier.

    A PH tester too: 7.2 is what you should have, but the tester give a green/blue light when it is correct.

    Also, a Plecastumus (the big camoflauge colored algae eaters) it will save a lot of effort for your FILTER (ill put type down beloe)

    Filter: get one for TROPICAL fish, they work differently. Get a good brand like Tetra, adn the latest versions. Make sure you get extra pads for it too. Change the filter every 2-4 weeks.

    So yeah, that's basically what I did, for my tank, hope you like.

  6. 20-30 gallon tank

    lots of plants(fake or real doesn't matter)

    tropical flakes food


    air pump

    thats all i could think of!

    good luck!  

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