I have 3 computers, all ar going threw a linksys router to a cable modem.
All have internet access!
computer 1 has a printer that is set to share!
computer 2 and 3 I have been sucessfule in seting up a home network.
but when I run Network setup wizard (win XP) it asks to select conection method. I do so, then it asks for secripton and name, then network name, I also enter this.now it asks file and print sharing question, I also answer yes.
It says ready to apply network setting, I hit NEXT and it begins to set it up!
then it stops and says: cannot complete network setup wizard.
error occured during cinfiguration of the network on this computer.
you can configure network manualy or run setup with differnt settings!
I have tried every setting there is and dont know how to manually set up!
I have internet on all 3 comps!
the other 2 comps see the #1 computer but can not find a pathway to it!
i have had 2 diff motherboards on this comp and both did same thing.
if you need anyother info please just ask!