Seems pretty simple but this is my first time setting up a Linksys wireless router and my question it simple to do really? I have 2 eternet cords, one that the router came with which is pretty short and the one going into my desktop computer, do I need another ethernet cord? So here's how I think it would be set up, I have comcast cable and I figure just plug the blue ethernet from the cable modem into the router and just plug the ethernet from the computer into the router. It shows on the cd that you have to unplug the ethernet from back of the desktop and plug it into the router and then plug the blue ethernet that came with the router into the computer. Why couldn't I just leave the other ethernet plugged into the computer and then just plug the other end into the router, then plug the blue one from the modem to the router? CONFUSED!!!! Please help!!!! I'm usually pretty good with hooking thing's up but don't want to s***w anything up. Thanks to all who can help!!!