
Settle a dispute part 2?????????

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78 steelers or 72 dolphins

The thing here is is people say you cant compare anyone to an undefeated team and i say you can compare teams with them considering they lost the sb the year b4.




  1. I'm young so I don't know anything about the 78 steelers. I have only heard about the undefeated 72 dolphins so I guess I will have to go with the dolphins. And by young I mean 13.

  2. Steelers 78 their D was just awsome.

  3. to many steelers fans out there...totally biased opinions.....but the truth is....that u really CANT compare any other team to the 72 dolphins.....maybe some teams would beat the 72 phins, maybe not...but all this "cooda,shooda,wooda" c**p is just that,c** not saying who could beat who, and im not saying which team was better either.....but  every other team in history got beat at least once in whatever season....u have to be real...and if you go by numbers, thats better than EVERYONE. im not sayin the phins are perfect but in 72 they were...period.

  4. phins

  5. It is very hard to compare but the Steelers teams of the 70's weren't great- they were awesome. Almost everybody on that starting line up is in Canton.

    NOONE can dispute the fact though that the 72 Dolphins had the BEST one season every. There are many teams that would have beat them if you want to compare teams- 78 STeelers, 84 niners, 90's Cowboys, and last years Pats to name a few. But not one of those teams made it through the season without a blemish on thier record.

    The fact is there are better dynastys and "teams" but the 72 Dolphins had the best season ever (they did beat the Steelers that year in the playoffs - the game after the immaculate reception.  

  6. steelers

    the 72 dolphins were not the best team of all time and they dont deserve the perfect season, their whole season they played teams with losing records

    and if they were so good how come they didnt repeat the perfect season the next season..oh yeah, because they finally played teams that know how to play

    the 78 steelers however had one of the best defenses of all time and a powerful offense, the steelers obviously take this one

    the 72 dolphins schedule

    kansas city(8-6)

    houston oilers(1-13)

    minnesota vikings(7-7)

    new york jets(7-7)

    san diego chargers(4-9-1)

    buffalo bills(4-9-1)

    new england patriots(3-11)

    new york jets(7-7)

    st louis cardinals(4-9-1)

    new england patriots(3-11)

    new york giants(8-6)

    baltimore colts(5-9)

    wow i count two teams with winning records?

    they played S****y *** teams, if they played real teams they wouldnt of gotten a perfect season

  7. Again, I have to go with the 78 Steelers.

    They would have blown out the 72 Dolphins.

  8. Steelers 78'

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