
Settle a dispute??????????????

by  |  earlier

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what team do you think was better

71 cowbows or the 78 cowboys




  1. Who cares and what does it matter?

    That was more than 30 years ago. A dispute? Please don't tell me you are arguing with someone over this.

    It is not like any answer you get here could be right or wrong.

    Let it go, and watch this season. Stop living in the past.

  2. This isn't settling a dispute because it's the same team just some different players in a different year. No one is aruging about which cowboys team is better.

  3. Neither.

  4. Ill go with the 78 Cowboys with Roger Staubach, Drew Pearson, Tony Dorsett and the Doomsday defense anchored by Ed "Too Tall" Jones and Randy White.

  5. It's impossible to say.  It just makes for good conversation at a bar.

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