
Setup of 10 Gallon Fish Tank?

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I'm looking for some cool setups for a 10 gallon fish tank. I really want to have sand in it and it will be a freshwater tropical tank. Any cool ideas for fish that live together well would help.




  1. well, i just got a 10 gallon tank, so probably get maybe an angelfish cuz theyre friendly, some tetras, maybe some guppies, or just go to a local pet store (cheap) or a really good dealer if you want really good fish, but just get a variety of different stuff to make your aquarium cool. its really your choice. you can also buy a book about fish, and it'll tell you many varieties of fish, how theyre like, and how cool they look in your aquarium. hope this helps!

  2. I don't reccomend sand as most filter won't be able to be used with it.

    Please remeber to cycle the tank before you get fish in it though :) (google aquarium cycling for info on how to do that)

    Though having a variety of fish is fun and pretty to watch, since it is only a 10-gallon, I suggest you stick with one breed, but there are variations to most breeds.

    Tetras come in all different colors and are very fun to watch swim around. They need a school of atleast 5, but more will make them happier.

    Zebra Danios and Glofish (same as the ZD only genetically enhanced to Glo) do good together and are easy to keep. 6-8 or more per school.

    Walmart-Petsmart-Petco have some really cool things you can keep in your fishtank (the classic No Fishing sign almost always matches any fish setup)

    You should use colorful gravel (of your choice, bought at any of the above stores) thatyou can mix-n-match colors, in the bottom of the tank, and this can be accented by flat marbles (often sold at the above stores in the fishcare section).

    I suggest for plants that you get fake, silk plants, as they cannot hurt themselves on them.

    You can put in a cave or a rock with a hole in it and watch the fish swim in and out of it :)

    This is what I would do (will do probably) if I had a tank for tetras or zebra danios.

    Have fun with your fishies!


    Buy an Algae eater, a couple of Tetras and at max another couple of Cichlids.......Or Bettas.

    IF NOT:

    Dont buy a heater, Just put a few Goldfish because these are the best fish to start with since your new, and a tropical tank with only 10 gallons is pretty small, maybe when your goldfish die you can get a bigger tank (30-70 gallons) and get a heater then set it up really nice. Trust me, dont waste your money on a heater, just get goldfish and learn how to take care of a fish since you're new.

  4. you can add live or fake plants and caves too!!! :) if you going to have a tetra 2-10i filter dont use sand itll suck the sand up and ruin the filter. i suggest use pink or blue gravel i have red grevel and blue. and black mollies are easy to breed and theyre very friendly. good luck!!! =D

  5. i would buy 5 guppies or danios

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