
Seven 'threats' found with AVG already today ... and only been on Y/A so far. Has that happened to you ?

by  |  earlier

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Seven 'threats' found with AVG already today ... and only been on Y/A so far. Has that happened to you ?




  1. Haven't had a threat for ages.

  2. yeah that happened to me yesterday too! they detected tracking cookies and adware[advertising] did you get that too?

  3. it's probably "browser cookies and temp files it is finding".

    download and run"ccleaner" to remove them .

  4. take a look at the details and see the source.

    it might just be tracking cookies...

    i set up my AVG to pick them up...

    once I went on the website of a well-known recording company and there were about five trojans on each page-_-

    it was annoying cus i was waiting for them to release an album i liked, and I kept having to refresh

  5. If you're clicking onto "Photo Bucket"  & things like that, you will pick up some threats. I learned that a short time ago & I'm no engineer. So, don't click on sites when people ask you you rate their looks, who's cuter, do you like my hair color, etc.  

  6. Hey at least it wasn't seven violations. Hope you get it sorted.

  7. No that is very unusual

  8. There must be some kind of malware on your computer that is downloading more malware constantly. You won't get viruses if you only go to Yahoo sites.

  9. Yes Yes Yes. My son is an IT consultant and won't believe that I have not opened any files or downloaded something. This started this week. I have not received any emails with attachments or gone into any sites, so WHAT is happening.  

  10. Not possible unless you're clicking through some pretty dodgy links embedded in questions, or you already have problems with your computer

  11. Certain antiviruses are installed on Y/A server. These particular watchdogs don't even tell you when they spot a virus; they just dispose of it without notifying you. In today's world of service-oriented antivirus companies, this is becoming the favoured method of dealing with bugs. The User is kept both protected and calm. After all, what you don't know can't hurt you as long as your antivirus knows about it.

  12. I had problems with AVG before and couldn't load it up so there may have been threats found.

    I deleted it and re-downloaded and installed it. Problem solved.

    (However, i got rid of AVG 7 and installed AVG 8 when this happened so it may just have been that)

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