
Seven months together. Now what?

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Tomorrow is mine and my boyfriend's 7 month "anniversary."

And I'm wondering what I could do for him.

Every month I write him a letter. I let him know how I feel about him, how much I love and care for him, and how I never want to lose him. And I give him a nice rub down [i.e. back rub, neck rub.]

Is that enough? Sure, he seems satisfied enough. He's happy with whatever I do. Of course, he never ASKS me to do these things. I just do them.

I just don't know what else I could do. I want to do more. But it seems like that would be just silly. What do you think?




  1. well buy him something small:]

  2. I think you should just write him the letter and give him a back rub or whatever.

    Don't try to do anything special right away.

    Wait for your one year anniversary then do something amazing and romantic with him :)

  3. depending on where you are and what the weather is like, why not take him on a nice picnic. packa basket with sum nice wine and fruit and cheeses find a nice park or even a spot by the beach. enjoy each others company and have a great anniversary

  4. Well, it would be helpful to know your age.

    My girlfriend and I have been going out for 3 1/2 years. It took us over 2 years to even kiss. Not because we didn't want to or didn't feel like it was right, we never had that right time or place together that it felt fitting.

    I don't know if I can assume you guys have kissed.

    What I like most is when my girlfriend does something for me, when she surprises me. As a guy, I don't ask for anything. My goal is to make her happy, to please her with everything I do. If she rubs my back or something, that's just extra. I don't ask that from her or need that.

    It depends how old you are (no, not because I think you should have s*x), and what you've done so far.

  5. They say* Nothing is never be enough" Just do what u do. Then it happens by itself.

  6. okay.. i have been with the love of my life for 7 years now. sometimes its hard to find something new to do because we have done almost everything. if i could suggest, going on a romantic picnic...not sure where u live but this is the perfect time of year. then go see a movie. there's nothing like cuddling up with ur guy!!! ;)

  7. yeah it would. seven months is not along time. BUT if you do want to do somthing for him. go out to the movies together. or to the park. or if its something material you want to get him than give him a key chain with a picture of you and him together or whatever.  

  8. i dont know how to answer...because i dont know if youre 18 or not...

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