
Seven year old with urinary problems..?

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My 7 year old daughter has had urinary problems since she was a baby including frequent UTIs. She has not had a UTI in about a year but is still having accidents. She wets the bed occasionally but is frequently leaking in her pants. I catch her pushing as if she feels the urge to pass her bowels, she then freezes up and wets her pants, not fully, but in small amounts. We have been to various specialists at children's and cannot find the answer. Any suggestions would be helpful.




  1. see a doctor, it maybe something serious! take the child to emergency!

  2. I had similar probs when I was a child ended up I had a birth defect that is common and had urinary reflux. I had an extra tube going from bladder to kidney I have had surgery and since then no probs.. I was on medication from 8yr to 15 yrs to help with the reflux and to keep from getting UTI and Kidney infections. ( it stopped the wetting)  I was told that I would grow out of it but at 15 I wanted it taken care of.

  3. Has she been tested for kidney reflux? I would like to think its one of the first things your doctor wanted your daughter tested for, but maybe its been overlooked?  My youngest (is 8 now) had frequent UTI's when she was a toddler - she had a test done (xrays and a catheter) and was put on maintenance antibiotics for a year. She grew out of it and surgery wasn't required, but I would ask your doctor about the test if it hasn't been done yet.

  4. have they checked her for urine reflux?

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