
Seventh Generation Sales.?

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Why do ppl say the ps3 sells better than the 360?

Us sales as of July 1st 08

The x box 360 total sales is 19mil (10.5 in us)

The ps3 total sales is 14.41 (5 in us

The Wii total sales 29.62 mill (10.9mil)

Yes the Wii has way more sales, but its the Wii. its for kids or family ppl. aka losers

The ps3 came out a yr later, so for the sake of argument, x box 360 has 500,000 more.

The 360 is the best console, way better GUI, graphics, technology, GAMES, online play.

so why do U think the ps3 is better??

help me a biased 360 owner see the light.




  1. God, Dean has a lot of typos in his reply...

    PS3 continues to sell because a lot of current PS3 users have sold their systems and bought the new version.... every time they release a new version (which, unfortunately, has been WAY too often.)  Also, I work at an electronics store.  Probably about 30% of the PS3s I sell, I sell to people who have no interest in gaming whatsoever but decide they might as well get that as opposed to a Blu-ray player so their grandchild, nephew, neice, brother, dad, etc., can use the gaming system when they come over.  It's basically just a glorified Blu-Ray player to most people.  

    And while PS3 has much more graphics potential, game developers will never tap into the majority of it because it's just too complicated to design games for it and still release them on time.  =/  So the 360 will continue to have better graphics.  

  2. Woot, im named after James Dean.

    thats Global sales, which as the 360 had a year head start is pretty Biased. as the saying goes, "There lies, White Lies, Big Lies and Statistics"

    currnetly on weekly sales the Ps3 IS beatign the 360, sales of hte 360 have dropepd while sales of Ps3 have sky rocketed. amusing note is a few weeks back Nintendo had sold 666K consoels in Japan.....

    Wii isnt for Kids or Losers, Nintoend are currently rolling itn it, theyve hit a mrket that Sony and Microsoft never saw.

    oh n im assuming from your last comment your possibly not actually a 360 owner :D

    Grpahics- only slightly better on cross paltform, look at Uncharted only 30% of the Ps3, and Heavy Rain, Practcailly bungee jumping in Uncanny Valley

    Technolgoy - Still uses DVD, and when hneeded a HD foramt went wiht HD-DVd, now hte sore loser of the HD war. MGS4 cnat go to 360 becuase there was nearly not enough space inthe 50GB of Blu-ray never mind 4 on  a DVD, n when asked hwo many discs 360 version of FFXIII would have he luagehd, and next interview even siad they are having to looka t compression techniques.

    Games- Halo n Gears are only gmaes 360 owners gripe on about- last years gmaes. LittleBigPlanet stole the show at E3, and gamse liek God of War, Resistnac, Infamouse FFXIII Versius are all to come to Ps3, though many great gmaes are coming gtoo both so inthat snese it doesnt matter.

    There is NO DIFFRNECE between the free service on PS3 nad paid for service on 360, multipalyer is multiplayer, the experince is on how good the folks are online and how fast your intenret is, paying MS wont make your ISP make your net go any faster. also PSN gets Home in afew months, and the vidzone, and Life wuith Playstation.

    all the currnet new to 360 news of late has been aVatars ( Mii's) and if theyll stick a motion snesing controller inthe Arcade ( Lie Wiimote and Sixaxis)

    360 is a good decent consoel, but the PS3 is now in its stride, and Ms really need to do some serious catchign up.

    help me a biased 360 owner see the light - i thought you were been sarcastic. my wrong.

    Soz on the typos, and im ifne wiht my one Ps3, infact on that coudt surely most 360 sales are the folks replacing there RROD systems.

    and hte 360 has  - Pro, aracde, core, Elite, Elite 60GB, Core 20gb etc. its jsut the way the new gen works, at leasthte base model of a Ps3 ocms wiht a Harddrive, didnt need to change to the Falscon Chip, or suddnely relased they missed out HDMI.

  3. well this information you have is the total ammount of sales, people say the PS3 sells better now because over the last few months, it has, if you read any website with these details it tells you the sales.

    Im not sure if this is to do with new games for the PS3, better reliablity etc but i myself am a 360 gamer to the core and use the PS3 only for MGS4 (AMAZING GAME! sorry, outburst =P) but as you do say, the Xbox 360 does have a great line of games now and up coming, Graphics are generally the same though only a few differences, GUI is generally just different maybe not what most are used to but just different from the Xbox 360 GUI.

    The only reasons i can think why the PS3 is better than the Xbox 360 is that its a powerful processing console, but really, it is not needed as the other hardware inside the PS3 is not capible of extremely high graphical gaming (a Cell Broadband Processor and Blu Ray with 256MB XDR RAM,256MB Graphics card and 550Mhz GPU? yeah ill let you decide if thats a good combination)

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