
Sever facial swelling in my 2yr old cat...Please help!

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My 2yr old cat being suddenly ill this morning. He Vomited and went to the bathroom in the house (which he never does) he was also screaming like he was in pain. I then rushed him to an emergency vet where they charged me an outragious amount of money to tell me they THINK is having an allergic reaction to something.... The poor thing looks like a freak show and he is not showing any type of improvement and is not eating or drinking. Does anyone have advice. I have another call into the vet. but they are not calling me back!




  1. Take him to the vet first thing tomorrow. It sounds like it could be a number of things that could be wrong. He could have been bitten by a snake or spider, or he might have a tooth abcess. Whatever it is, it needs to be treated soon.

  2. Sounds like your cat might have been stung by a bee or bitten by something. Did they give him the drug benadryl?   Benadryl will slow the inflammatory response for now. Ask about benadryl.

  3. my vet told me to give a 2 year old dosage of Robitussin to a dog for kennel cough , I bet you would be able to give your cat half a dosage of liquid children's allergy medicine.just to block the reaction sounds like he found a scorpion or a bee .  

  4. If he's having an allergic reaction I would take him to the animal hospital. If you cannot I suggest you take him to the vet first thing in the morning. You shouldn't really try to diagnose it by YA.... someone may give you the wrong answers. Keep a very close eye on him...

  5. Dont give your cat any medication that was not prescribed. Make sure you are following instructions from your vet, it should say on your release papers that if your cats condition has not improved or worsens, within a certain amount of time, to return to the vet immediatly. that is what you should do. if you dont have the money for the hospital, take him to the regular vet first thing in the morning. make sure he has fresh water available. please try to take him back to the emergency clinic right away.

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