
Several Headings Displaying Empty?

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On My Yahoo page several of my news source headings (Reuters: Sports, AP: Technology, AP Business, etc) do not have stories listed below them. I have access to multiple computers. All of the computers I have access do not display the recent news stories. This has been going on for a week.

Any ideas?





  1. No solution, but you aren't alone...

    Up until last week, I was seeing 2 week old news stories on My Yahoo page, which wouldn't update.  Occasionally I'd get a current page, but 10 minutes later it would be gone again, and back to the old stories.  Now, for about the last 4-5 days, I'm getting blanks on almost every news section.

    And this happens on different machines, through different connections (work, home, etc,) and with both IE and Firefox.  Seems like Yahoo can't get their coding straight

  2. I've been having the same difficulties for some time now, and I've been told it's a problem that many have reported to their broadband providers.  Is there a way to contact Yahoo tech support directly?  I assume they are aware of the issue, but it would be nice for them to acknowledge the problem in some way.

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