
Several Questions on Infertility

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well we have been trying to conceived since last september. We were lucky and on our first try we got pregnant I was 5 weeks along in October and had a miscarriage. Since then we have continued to try and haven't been successful thus far. Is it possible to be infertile after a miscarriage? Check up with doctor suggested everything was fine, just this whole process is so frustrating. Also my husband is a little overweight could thing hinder his ability to produce good quality sperm? Also is our foreplay before hand (with saliva) killing the sperm? Are there any herbs or anything natural that might help the process along? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Sorry for your loss.I have been told you can be more fertile after a miscarriage.It took me and my ex partner 5 yrs to have our son,we were told we couldnt have kids,we went to specialists that told us we need some form of help such as IVF.We couldn't afford that and  was sick and tried of people asking if we were still trying.So i gave up and thought if god wnats me to have kids then he will make it happen.The next month my period was late and i was pregnant i know it's hard but hang in there it will happen when you least expect it good luck.  

  2. First of all, I am sorry for your loss.  You can have your husband's sperm tested at the doctor's or you get a home test for around $40 at Walgreens.  Weight can hurt his fertility, but just a little overweight should not make that big of a difference.  Saliva KILLS sperm.  Fertilityaid on Ebay.. I have heard many good things of this product.  Evening Primrose Oil is supposed to be good too..and I can even speak from experience on can help give you a wonderful o****m.  Good luck and Baby Dust!

  3. I don't think his weight will be a big issue on sperm count but you can't ever tell buy a fertility test on the internet for like $30 and have him test hisself  

    the saliva can sometimes kill the sperm get some Preseed it helps give the sperm a nice smooth place to swim

    Baby Dust

  4. i also got pg on our first try but mc'd at 4 weeks. we tried again  3 months after and got pg on our second month, again i mc'd at 6 weeks. now we are ttc and its been 4 months but still nothing. i rely on cm, so even if i we bd'd every other day during my cm days, we didn't conceive. i definitely will see a reproductive endocrinologist already since this is such a stuggle for me each month that passes. i also bought pre-seed. its a lubricant that they say doesn't kill sperm.

    google pre-seed, its worth a try. its not sold in most places so check if you they sell one where you live.

    goodluck and i hope you get pg soon!

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