
Several boards on my wooden fence have come loose. They are nailed in there. If I tap them back in will?

by  |  earlier

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they stay or should I use a different spot than the nail is in and nail another hole, or s***w it in? I just don't want to waste my time tapping it back in if within 2 weeks they are going to pull back out.





  1. Screws are always more secure than nails, but the heads are harder to conceal and can look messy. Also if the timber is old and weathered you may split it if you go bashing a new nail in... drill a hole first (a bit smaller than your nail)

  2. I would get a larger nail or just use a s***w bigger than the existing nail.  Like you said, you don't want to waste your time going back and fixing this again.

  3. They will eventually work back out. The best way to remedy this is to use deck screws to hold the boards in. I put up a new fence three years ago. Used nothing but deck screws. The fence is doing great. No loose boards.

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