
Several misc events are happening in 2012. Why?

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I don't believe in the end of the world stuff at all but what I don't get is why Therese so many misc things happening i.e. olympics, some big object passing near earth, several major construction projects ie the building going up were the trade towers were in New York, nasa's new space ship being ready for take off and charles manson getting parole possibly. I don't under stand why all these events are falling into this year. I'm not big on the whole end of the world thing but still I cant explane why logically why all of theses are happening in this year




  1. There is no large object expected to pass by Earth. If you mean an asteroid, asteroids pass Earth all the time. If you look at any year, you see many things happening.

    How about this year? Phelps breaks many world records in swimming. Rover discovers water on Mars. The first African American and women run for president, and the oldest man to have ever ran runs for president. Apple releases new OS. NASA starts to repair the Hubble telescope. Pluto is reclassified as a "plutoid". When you study any year in detail, you get a lot of momentous events.

  2. 2012 is an important date in Mayan culture.  They discovered a 13th "month" which lies between Sagittarius and Capricorn.  They predicted through astronomy that it would occur again in the year 2012.  However, there are three schools of thought: one, that Christ will show himself at this time; two, that this will be the beginning of the Apocalypse; and lastly both events happening on that date.  I would also note that in the newest Nostradamus findings, this date is also noted as the end of the world.  So perhaps, there will be death at the olympics like in Munich or the new space ship will blow up.  As for building at the site of the twin towers in that year perhaps they will be struck down by one of the four horsemen.  

  3. Things happen every year.  Type any year into wikipedia and get an incomplete list of things that happened that year.

    Here's 2007 -

  4. Co-incidence. Nothing more, nothing less.

  5. Umm well the Olympics happens every 4 years so it's hardly a rare event...Anyway here in the UK I don't think we're going to notice a few 'major construction projects', a space ship and the occasional asteroid, we'll be too busy partying. Did you forget 2012 will also be the Queen's diamond jubilee!!

  6. maybe we are near a world war 3, but i doubt we are near the end of mankind.

    a swedish man meet himself in the future (which is a sign that there is still a future ahead for all of us, after world war 3?):

    einstein stated:

    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

    which means that there is still a future and maybe world war 4 after world war 3

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