
Several options in reducing greenhouse has emissions by several U.S states?

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does anyone know what the U.S.A is doing to reduce there green house gas's? Sweeping co2 reductions credits with other plans of the states?

help me please xD.




  1. There will be no reductions since that's impossible, but I understand they're going to enforce massive tax increases on every molecule of CO2 emitted, which is ludicrous since it's a harmless gas and is actually needed to keep plants alive.

    The man-made global warming hoax has been proven to be completely fabricated for monetary gains, but it's too late. The rich liberal politicians have won again.

    Get ready for the prices of everything to go up astronomically: fuel, food, everything we need to exist !!  This affects the poor the most as usual.

    Thank the global warming alarmists like Al Gore, who's making a mint off this hoax.

    Meanwhile the other environmental nuts are bombing houses.

  2. Sax Anyone:

    I can only agree with you. Everybody is lying to us. In fact, everything in the world is a conspiracy against the US taxpayer and against China (to prevent them from developing). Indeed, they might be here reading our posts.

    Let´s meet tonight in the woods using the secret code.

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