
Several years ago in the UK the Daily Mail reported the following: "Abortion Hope For g*y Genes Mothers" the..

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... article went on to say that there was a gene discovered that could be identified in the fetus of a pregnant women that would give a strong indication that the baby would turn out g*y - and the mother would be able to decide to abort if she so desired.

(This scientific *discovery* proved to be false)

Hypothetically: would you agree to abort a fetus if you knew 100% that the child would turn out g*y?

This is a hypothetical question based on the premise above so please no sidestepping the issue by saying it isnt possible.

IF you knew your unborn child would be 100% g*y as an adult would you abort?

This question is open to men and women.




  1. No I wouldn't.

    If it would turn out to be a Daily Mail reader I would.

  2. No I wouldn't. If diagnosing the risk of being severely mentally retarded was possible, then yes.

    Rush Limbaugh thinks people are like him, a homophobic dumbass, that's the mistake he makes. The number of people who are blinds his common sense (what there is of it).

  3. No, I would not. g*y or not, it is still a human life, and it would be just as wrong to abort a g*y baby as it would be to abort a straight one.

    That said....I don't know if they will ever find a g*y gene. I dont think it is a genetic issue whatsoever.

  4. If my child had a 100% chance of being born g*y, I'd have him or her gladly. And raise them to be good kids with love and support, like any parent should.

    The g*y gene thing is a little frightening - because if they find one, the next step is figuring out how to get rid of it. It's an exercise in eugenics and I'm pretty sure we were supposed to learn our lesson when it came to that (hello, n***s?)

  5. Being bisexual I would perfectly happy to have a g*y child, but I bet the fundies anti abortion feelings would start to soften if this were really true!

  6. No, absolutely not! I'm against abortion in the first place so I wouldn't even think about it. Also, the thought of aborting my offspring which I created only because he or she might be g*y is repulsive to me. Anyone that could even think about doing that deserves to be sterilized. It's something Hitler would do (he murdered hundreds of g*y men during his reign).

  7. Abortion is a mother's body issue.  If a g*y fetus reside in it, it is still a precious and sacred woman's body.  It is her unquestionable right to do what ever she want to do to that g*y fetus.

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